Thieving Skill Values?

When I play thieves I'm usually a multiclass. So I just dump all my points into traps and locks. I'm thinking about playing one of the kits, not sure which yet. Maybe Bounty Hunter. But I'm curious how high I should take my skills. I don't really understand how the skills work. What value do I need to reliably open locks and disarm traps? How does detect illusion work, and how high should I take that skill? What about setting traps? Another thread somewhat answered the stealth question, but my poor math abilities fail to understand how much I need in the stealth skills to do well.
I'm mainly looking for these answers in the context of BG:EE. However, I'll probably recreate the character in BG2 and play there as well if I like the experience. So if you can make some references to the expansion I'd appreciate it
I'm mainly looking for these answers in the context of BG:EE. However, I'll probably recreate the character in BG2 and play there as well if I like the experience. So if you can make some references to the expansion I'd appreciate it

Most traps in the game do not require this, Durlag's Tower is just a crazily hard dungeon for endgame parties.
Detect illusion is less valuable in BG1 as there are not as many mage encounters, and the only thing you'll be detecting is invisibility or mirror image. While this is quite useful a dispel/remove magic or similar is as reliable. Detect illusion shines in BG2 as it's not stopped by spell immunity: divination, in BG1 it's overkill.
If you're a bounty hunter then your special traps work automatically and don't need set traps points, which helps get around their paucity of points.
If you have 2 thieves, then have one stealthed up. If you only have one then get your traps/locks maxed and stick to your bow. Traps & locks are the cake, stealth is the cherry on top. In BG2 you'll have enough skill points to have said cake & eat it.
That is a pretty good strategy, but I prefer lockpicking. The problems with knock are a.) I prefer masses and masses of glitterdust/invisibility as my 2nd level spells and b.) you don't get the (tiny) exp when casting knock like you do from lockpicking. However, those locks add up and in BG2 they are worth quite a bit more. Just like memorizing spells.
I personally find stealth to be extremely powerful. I'm about to complete my first BG1 run of a F/T, and I've been using backstab so often that it'll feel weird not having that capability in my next run. Chunking enemy mages before they get a spell off is fantastic.
With a few points in open locks, you should be fine. I'm drowning in potions of master thievery at the moment, I found way more than I needed.
With Find Traps... I had never done the TotSC content before, and I had to put it off for a level because my find traps was too low to function. There are LOTS of traps in TotSC. Getting it to 90% did the trick just fine for me, though.