Making touch spells land more
I am planning on making a "Blaster" Sorc. I like the idea of making a one that uses touch type spells (just because). But if I remember right, when I first played this years ago, I very often missed with my touchy touchy spells. I know it has to do with your THAC0 or whatever... but is there a way to raise this for "melee" spells so they don't miss so much?
The only thing I can think of to make your touch spells land more often is to disable the enemy first. Sleep comes to mind.
However, I remember reading somewhere on these forums that since they don't use the category blunt weapons any more they decided to put the hit bonus into clubs...which mages can't put pips your only option would be a dual or multiclass character.
But yeah, I hate how touch spells work. Perhaps you should shadowkeep yourself a half-orc sorcerer? Their 19 strength would give you a nice boost to your melee attacks.
Now, I don't remember this right. But I'm pretty sure AD&D 2nd edition rules already stated that any touch spell doesn't get discharged if you fail your To Hit roll. They only get discharged on hit, on command, or if you cast another spell. So you can basically keep trying to hit your target with your touch spell every round.
It would be good BGEE fixed this in conformance to the 2nd edition ruleset. As far as I remember neither BG or BG II applied this rule correctly.
Also, am I the only one that wondered why Vampiric Touch was an attack spell, rather than a touch spell?