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Cannot gain more experience (53666) an reputation.

AdamWojAdamWoj Member Posts: 2
edited December 2012 in Not An Issue
Hello all,

I couldn't find similar problem so i decided to create a new topic.

I've got the problem with experience and reputation.
I play as a worrior (lvl6)/mag(lvl6)/thief(lvl7). At the moment I've got 53666 experience and cannot gain more. It stucked. The same with reputation (20lvl).

I tried to load previous save but it still stuck on 53666 points.

Has anyone run into the same problem?

Thank You for any advices.

Post edited by Jalily on


  • MichailMichail Member Posts: 196
    edited December 2012
    Hm, the XP cap fpr BG:EE is 161000 xp. It's basically the XP cap of BGI + ToSC.

    You have a character with 3 classes. 53665 X 3 = 160998. What you see is the number of XP for each class, and you're maxed out.

    There are, however, ways to remove the XP cap, if you want to, even though your character may be overpowered. See this thread (i believe there are more):

    EDIT: Reputation maxes out at 20. Keep in mind that if it's above 18 evil NPC's you may have recruited will leave the party.
  • AdamWojAdamWoj Member Posts: 2
    To be honest, I cannot belive that I have already reached threshold. It seems I have to finish game as it is.

    Thank you very much for You support. Have a nice day
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