List of Devices that will play BG:EE

Just like the title says. We know a few of the devices that they are testing with. Let's try to make a list of supported, unsupported and will-play-but-not-supported devices that we can keep up to date once the Android version comes out so people can find what they're looking for fairly easily.
So far I have heard that they are testing it on Tegra based devices, but I have only, personally, seen mention of Nexus 7.
I was informed that Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 wasn't presently supported but that they would look into it.
Anyone else have info that might help?
So far I have heard that they are testing it on Tegra based devices, but I have only, personally, seen mention of Nexus 7.
I was informed that Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 wasn't presently supported but that they would look into it.
Anyone else have info that might help?
I am not a specialist of Android programming, but from what I have seen, it is more dependant on the version and chipset/processor. I want to play this on Motorola Xoom2/Xyboard (as known in US) running ICS which has better specs than ipad2, but it is not as much widespread as Asus transformer, Samsung or Kindle Fire. (I wonder why, I love it)
But I know I have bought/downloaded a couple of games that said my system is not oficially supported and might have errors, but saw none. I hope BGEE will be the same case.
I think that any 1ghz + a decent video card will do, starting with Tegra2, Mali400, Adreno205 and up
As of now I am pretty confident that at least ASUS Infinity 700, ASUS TF300, Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 will be supported/able to play BGEE. I have read no confirmation of this yet tho.