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hard time deciding -- new character build!

Hi all

Having a heck of time deciding on what to build for a character....I prefer one that is not too hard, but adds some fun as well.

I am thinking multi-class elf fighter/mage -- but not sure what min stats I should consider + where to put the 4 proficiencies? And which spells are the best on early levels?

What about a Paladin? Which kit would you recommend here and same as above (min stats + skills)?

Finally -- is it better to have your NPC (fighter, etc) focus on range/bows rather than melee??

Thanks all!!


  • amftronamftron Member Posts: 109
    Fighters/Rangers/Paladins/Barbarians will have plenty of proficiency points that you can stick a couple in ranged weapons, ranged weapons really are awesome in BG but not so much in BG2.

    For a Paladin Kit the Cavalier is borderline OP with his resistances, i would go sword and shield but that's just personal preference, a lot of people go two handed.
  • XivirielXiviriel Member Posts: 166
    If you want to multi-class a fighter/mage I would recomend using a Gnome, that way you'd have an extra spell per level, plus it allows you to get to 19 Int which allows for you to learn all spells (except Necromancy as that is the apposing school to the Illusionist)

    As for proficiency points and spells it depends on your play style, if you want to be upclose in melee with your charcter than I would aim for 2 points in either quarter staff or two handed sword and two points in two handed weapons. You will always want to have Armor (lvl 1 spell that lasts 9 hours) cast on yourself until you can afford to buy Archmagi robes.

    If you are sticking back I would recomend boosting up a ranged weapon, either long bow or crossbow would be my recomendation.

    As for stats if you are a mage you'll want to max out your Dex and Int. Char can be a dump stat if you need one, also Wis (unless you are planning to import to BG2 after, in which case Wis is important for thre Wish spell). Strength is important if you want to be a melee fighter, although there are many boosting spells and magic items in both games that will allow you to bypass having a high base stat.
  • TeflonTeflon Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 515
    I've seen some comments says ranged weapon is better so not bad idea to give your NPC ranged weapon. However I haven't played above normal difficulty so can't tell sure.
    And I always bet on sleep spell, I remember there's a topic debate about which is better (sleep and was it magic missle? ......).
  • SuiiSuii Member Posts: 19
    edited December 2012
    I have rerolled about 5-6x now always trying something different because I just was not in love with the class after 3-4 hours of playing.

    You could go Illusionist/Thief as a gnome it gives you the ability to cast spells and backstab/open locks/detect traps. Its kind of the jack of all trades but you are a very little bit squishy. But its really nice to be able to backstab people and open up everything you could ever want to and still have the power to sit back and pepper people with spells. Take Find Familiar at level 1 for free HP then just put your familiar in your backpack and never worry about it again.

    I also highly recommend Barbarian, go half orc, you get increased run speed naturally for the ADD impatient part, you can use a bow for the harder enemies till you level up a bit, and then you can just dual wield your weapons of choice. He gets the most HP per level and with his rage ability is a truck.

    After the other 10 different classes I have tried these are my 2 favorite with me right now playing my barbarian exclusively but I will go back and finish my Illusionist/Thief at some point as well.

    For Proficiencies on a fighter I went 1 into short bow, 1 into long sword, 2 into 2 weapon, this allows me to use a bow for the first level or two but be able to bring out 2 long swords which ultimately will be my weapons of choice for the first half of the game. I think its invaluable that no matter what class you take you use a point for a ranged weapon because early on its best for almost any class to be able to sit back safely and kite/ do damage.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,422
    Always, always, always put two spots in a weapon at first level, this is FAR more valuable than a style. If say, you are dual wielding long swords, this will give you 50% more attacks with your primary weapon, and a +1 to hit, +2 to damage with BOTH long swords. For dual wielding characters you want two spots in a weapon and two in dual wielding. At 3rd level, a single class fighter should put a 3rd spot to the weapon again, while a Paladin, Ranger or multi-class fighter should put a third spot to the dual wield style.
    Leave the missile weapons to a dedicated archer. It is better to be excellent at one thing than mediocre at several.
  • bonnejo3bonnejo3 Member Posts: 2
    very helpful all --

    so i think i will go route of potentially fighter, beserker kit half orc. then, put 2 spots in long swords and 2 spots on dual wielding.

    or same as above, but paladin cavalier human? any pro/cons between these two ideas?

    then, as long as i have NPCs who are range types (mage, ranger, etc), I should be good??
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,422
    edited December 2012
    Both of those choices would be very capable characters. I'm always partial to Paladins myself; but the biggest issue will be if you would rather be a nice guy or a scoundrel! (I guess a half Orc can be a nice guy too....)
  • abbadabaabbadaba Member Posts: 21
    Try out all the different ideas in the black pits! Make a party with up to three of these fighter type characters you want to try, add some mage and archer support too of course. Its very quick to get up to level 5-7 and you can try them out against all sorts of different scenarios.

    It can take many hours of play time for a new player in the main campaign before you gain a few levels and really get a feel for how your character is working out, and if you are disappointed it seems like a huge hassle to re-roll and do the early game over again.
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