[GAME] Long-Term Online Session

Hey folks!
I just beat the main story line with my main character, and was thinking of setting up a group of 6 (including me) for online play. This would be a long lasting game (until we beat it) and we'd schedule when we actually play.
If you are interested, leave a reply with what kind of character you'd be rolling (class, race, alignment, any other relevant information). Keep in mind that there'd be a little bit of roleplaying in the sense that a good character in the party wouldn't allow an evil character to do evil actions (i.e. murdering random bystanders).
Anyone is welcome to play, but only new characters will be allowed.
EDIT: All spots are currently filled.
I just beat the main story line with my main character, and was thinking of setting up a group of 6 (including me) for online play. This would be a long lasting game (until we beat it) and we'd schedule when we actually play.
If you are interested, leave a reply with what kind of character you'd be rolling (class, race, alignment, any other relevant information). Keep in mind that there'd be a little bit of roleplaying in the sense that a good character in the party wouldn't allow an evil character to do evil actions (i.e. murdering random bystanders).
Anyone is welcome to play, but only new characters will be allowed.
EDIT: All spots are currently filled.
Post edited by Prince_of_Lies on
I'm Eastern Standard Time (EST).
As for characters, I would like to play an elven thief, but I could also see myself playing a ranger. My alignment would be neutral good.
Time wise, I'm in central, available daily after around 6pm. Weekends are open anytime.
Chalk me up as a lawful evil necromancer for flavor :P
I'm quite open to what I'd play. It would be fun trying something I don't usually run like a druid perhaps or an archer? But yeah. I'm open for most classes/alignments
Looks like we've filled all the spots. I'll probably be making a lawful neutral monk to have a tank.
nullifi, a thief would be perfect for the party, there are plenty of traps and locked containers in Baldur's Gate.
Liberelli, a lawful evil necromancer, awesome.
Feminine, druid would be perfect, as we need a healer in our group.
Virgil_Bongraven, a chaotic neutral wild mage will be fun. Could you ask your friend to join these forums so he can partake in this thread? Also, the party needs another meat shield, see if he'd be interested in playing a fighter/paladin/blackguard/melee ranger/monk.
Schedule wise, it looks like we will be playing on weekends. I'd prefer in the daytime, on Sundays (my Sundays are rather dry) unless anyone has objections. I was thinking maybe 2-4pm EST North American time (convert HERE)?
To share custom content (portraits and soundsets, instructions HERE, scroll down to custom portraits and custom sounds) and such, we'll need to email the files to each other in order for them to work. If you could private message everyone in the group (including me) with your email, that'd be great.
Once I get your emails and get confirmation on the time, we'll set an actual date we can start and I'll set the ground rules for these sessions.
P.S. If you need help with portraits or soundsets, just private message me.
@redaway Half-orc berserker? Cool. I've also added you to the private discussion.
Information will now be posted in the private discussion so please reply there.
Thanks all!