Typical XP and out of curiousity, Lowest XP

I'm a chronic restarter; always playing up to or in BG then changing a few things to do it all again. I've beaten the game a few times a few years ago, never been to Durlag's or any of the TotSC content really so as I approach the big flood I'm at a crossroads again.
I'd like to know what the average XP of start to finish, no farming, no exploits, just killing all non-respawning creatures and doing most quests. I'm also curious as the lowest XP; ie have some of you beat the game with level 3 npcs? I've found myself really liking the feel of a 4 man party so my Ranger lvl 3/Cleric lvl 7 is almost at it's full potential this 'early' in the game and before I do it all over again I'd like to do a little better planning. I can go by the level cap, but I do not remember gaining another 100k from this point in the game. Any advice or definitive knowledge will be much appreciated.
I'd like to know what the average XP of start to finish, no farming, no exploits, just killing all non-respawning creatures and doing most quests. I'm also curious as the lowest XP; ie have some of you beat the game with level 3 npcs? I've found myself really liking the feel of a 4 man party so my Ranger lvl 3/Cleric lvl 7 is almost at it's full potential this 'early' in the game and before I do it all over again I'd like to do a little better planning. I can go by the level cap, but I do not remember gaining another 100k from this point in the game. Any advice or definitive knowledge will be much appreciated.