Refs all the way *SPOILERS*

Heya, I picked up Dorn for my BG:EE playthrough and noticed something: His sword is called Rancor. Like this giant monster from Return of the Jedi in Jabba's palace. Also one of his quest NPCs is called Taris. Like the planet, were KOTOR starts (well, after you leave the ship).
Coincidence? Has anybody spotted more References? Lemme know
(This was originally a thread only for Star Wars references, in case you woder
Coincidence? Has anybody spotted more References? Lemme know

(This was originally a thread only for Star Wars references, in case you woder

Post edited by Buttercheese on
Edit: I thought the NPC from Dorns quest was named Yaris...
Nope, Taris. The woman standing in front of the the inn in Nashkel.
Well ... uhm .... I have never watched any full episode of anything Star Trek related ... (if you exclude the german parody "Sinnlos im Weltall")
So yes, it is a synonym of anger, but not only.
It is a homage to a classic RPG game "Dink Smallwood". I played a demo version of that game when I was a kid; only last year did I get to play it to the end (it's now freeware by the way). I didn't expect to enjoy the game, almost as much as when I first played it. Good times!