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[Bug/exploit] Rings and Cloaks of Protection+1 stack with ankheg plate mail

thenethene Member Posts: 16
edited December 2012 in Not An Issue
Current behaviour: I can equip either a Ring of Protection+1 or a Cloak of Protection+1 while wearing ankheg plate mail and gain an extra -1 to AC. This applies to both the Nashkel ankheg plate and the one made by Taerom in Beregost. I haven't noticed this effect with other enchanted suits of armor, only the ankheg plate.

Expected behaviour: Attempting to equip both ankheg plate and a cloak/ring of protection would result in an error message, just as it does with every other type of armor.


  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    Its not a bug. The Ankheg plate mail was changed so it no longer counts as magical.
  • thenethene Member Posts: 16
    Oh! I had no idea. Thanks, and sorry for posting this in that case.
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