How to kill the Great Werewolf? Spoilers

I'm in the ship with all that werewolfs, but i cant kill the leader, because he regen faster than I can do damage.
There's only 2 weapons that I have that cause damage (a dagger and a bastard sword). I use a wand to paralyse him, the battle would be easy if I can cause more damage..
There's only 2 weapons that I have that cause damage (a dagger and a bastard sword). I use a wand to paralyse him, the battle would be easy if I can cause more damage..
But that is no final tactic. They should add some more weapons, maybe not even enchanted, just sellable in the village on the island. Cold Steel in this case - three weapons are in game so far : Aldeth Sashenstar's Bastard Sword +1 +3 vs Shapeshifters, the dagger you find on the ship and the Bastard Sword of Balduran you find on the ship too. That's all there is to it sadly.
His regen rate is (I suspect) 5hp/round, which means every round you need to be doing more than 5 points of damage. Have everyone who can wield them divvy up the above mentioned magic silver weapons—use haste or oil of speed liberally on those blokes, prioritizing those with the best chance to hit with their assigned weapon(s). Everyone else try to lash out with wands of magic missile or other items that do magic damage, especially if it's not elemental in nature (he has 50% resistance to all elemental damage including, but zero magic resistance, which is why magic missile works so well against him).
It's a race—your damage output against his 5hp/round regeneration.
It'll be forever before I myself am at that encounter to perhaps do some save file testing to see if there is indeed a bug, but I think it's just his fairly fast regen combined with a paucity of weapons that will damage him that is leading some to assume something might be amiss. (Especially given that there was no silver requirement to damage the faster regenerating GWWs in BG2—you needed only magic weapons against those.)