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Berserker Rage

YamxelaYamxela Member Posts: 13
edited January 2013 in Not An Issue
I have a Berserker PC and it says the kit gets another rage every 4 levels. Just hit lvl 4 and still have only 1 berserk. Is this suppose to happen? Anyone else having this problem?
Post edited by Jalily on


  • pacekpacek Member Posts: 92
    Level 4 is only 3 levels from level 1.
  • YamxelaYamxela Member Posts: 13
    Yeah but when they say that it usually means after lvl 1. For example a warrior get weapon profs every 3 lvls so lvl 3, 6, 9. I'm also using a monk with stunning fists every 4 lvls and he got another one at lvl 4.
  • YamxelaYamxela Member Posts: 13
    pacek said:

    Level 4 is only 3 levels from level 1.

    Oddly enough, you are right Pacek. Pretty confusing though since everything else thats worded that way works differently...
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