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Charactor build for noob.

I'm totally new to BG, can someone help me with a good build for a new player? I see fighter is recommended bu I think I would like someon else. What should I be spending skill points on, give as much detail as possible?


  • ElectricMonkElectricMonk Member Posts: 599
    @CoreySr Well fighter is by far the simplest to manage and to roll, as you only need to have your three physical stats high and can use the rest as dump stats essentially (I would recommend raising charisma if points are left over after physical stats). Specifically, berserkers are pretty sweet in that they get their rage ability which includes some immunities to mind-effects while the ability is in effect.

    If you don't want to do a fighter, yet you still want something simple, the next recommendation would be barbarian, then paladin (very powerful kits), and then ranger. It really all depends on what type of character you'll have the most fun playing though, so having someone else recommend an entire build for you may end up taking some of the fun out of it.

    I'd suggest spending some time reading over the classes in the manual and finding one that interests you, and then make sure to look over stat bonuses, etc. in the manual if you want to make sure your character will do well.

    Again, the warrior classes are by far the easiest, but all the classes have their advantages and disadvantages. Figuring out what you like can be a fun experience. My first BG1 character (many years ago now) was a druid and it wasn't rolled with very good stats or stat distribution, and picking proficiencies and figuring out which spells did what was a learning process, but it was fun to play nonetheless.

    Anyway, if you do decide on a class and then have specific questions regarding stats, proficiencies, etc., I'll be happy to give some advice, but it's difficult to make recommendations on such things for someone that hasn't decided on a class yet.
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    It's a hard game. You're going to learn TONS on your first playthrough. Just try to have fun.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,416
    Creating characters under 2E is much simpler than more modern rule sets. The computer will generate the six main scores for you, you just look at the results and accept or re-roll. The range is 3-18; with 7-14 being average and no real bonuses or penalties in that range. You can re-arrange those points however you want. Keep in mind, the rolls are random, they are NOT all created equal. You want to re-arrange so you have a 17 or 18 in your prime requisite (more on that in a second) and a 15+ in dexterity and constitution. I would try to keep all the other scores AT LEAST in that average range. You really may throw away several score sets until you get one you can work with.
    That prime requisite you want a 17+ in will vary depending on the class you want to play. For any kind of warrior (Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Barbarian) strength is the prime requisite. For a Thief its Dexterity. For a Mage Intelligence. And for a Cleric, Wisdom. Other classes (Bard, Druid, Monk) are a little more complex.
    In addition, "kits" can add additional abilities or flavor to the base character class. The game can be played and won with any of them, so really, choose what looks like fun to you and will hold your interest. You actually choose your class (and kit, or lack thereof) before you roll scores, and the point allocation won't let you shift below minimums for the class you chose. So if you wanted to play a Paladin, and are thinking that 17 charisma looks like a good place to shift some points from; sorry, that's the minimum for a Paladin, you're stuck with it (unless you go back to the beginning and choose a different class).
    The next big choice is weapons. There's a lot more that's subjective here. Again, you can win with any choice. But generally long sword is the best melee weapon, long bow is the best missile weapon. For a warrior, be sure to put two pips on your melee weapon, and two more on a style (sword and shield most likely)
    If you chose a cleric your weapons will be very restricted. I would pick a mace or flail for melee and a sling as a missile.
    Mages are even more restricted, they only get a single weapon proficiency at first level. I would usually choose sling, but a very good case can be made for dart. A mage doesn't ever want to melee anyway, so I wouldn't even bother learning a melee weapon for now.
    Mages will also get two spells in their book at the start, you probably want Magic Missile and Identify. At least I would!

    There are pluses and minuses for almost every weapon or spell choice. I would never call anything worthless (except maybe Infravision) and I'm sure many others will offer different advice than I did. We all have our own preferences on these things. But I've played thousands of hours with these rules in PNP, and have completed BG 20+ times. It's fun and easy once you get the hang of it. Don't be too worried about making a "bad" choice. Worse case scenario, its just an excuse for starting a new party!
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