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Final fight

Is so annoying. Webs, stinking clouds, CONFUSION, dire charm and exploding arrows? Traps in the middle of the seal that can't be disarmed? Wtf?

All the strategies on the web say: "Just summon monsters!" Not so easy. Help?


  • imajasjamimajasjam Member Posts: 59
    You can see a few successful kills on youtube if you're looking for ideas.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,448
    Gang up on Seravok. Once he goes down, battle is over.
  • State_LemmingState_Lemming Member Posts: 375
    Greater Malision and Wand of paralyzation can work wonders.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Potions of haste/haste spell, use ranged attacks (shoot at Sarevok then run back, keep out of his melee range), use items that give you magic immunity/resistance (after using buffs). Summoning creatures doesn't hurt (but it is not as effective of a strategy as it once was). Keep in mind this is the final battle, so don't worry about how much it is going to cost you to get stocked up.
  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    Summoning monsters used to be the answer because the limit wasn't five before. Now it doesn't work so well then there's a limit of five and the die in one shot.
  • BeowulfBeowulf Member Posts: 236
    You need to use all the potions that make you overpowered... giant potions (storm is best) for those that can, the potion of endurance? for Constitution bonus... the blue one that gives you +3 dexterity... the potion of heroism... hmmm potion of fire resit. and use some scrolls of fire resist too... as well as cleric/wizard spell of fire resist... then you can be the cheese cheater and have all your characters begin the battle with cheesy fireballs and exploding arrows.... then just have you lame mage use the overpowered monster summon wand and continue to summon monsters (after you pause and switch everyone to NON-explosive arrows... you can have everyone survive if yo cheese it that way...
  • State_LemmingState_Lemming Member Posts: 375
    elminster actually brings up a useful rule, never go toe to toe with Sarevok. Everyone is squishy in his eyes.
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    Give one of your fighters as much of a boost to their AC as possible. They still won't last long going toe-to-toe with Sarevok, but they can buy you some time. Distract Sarevok with summons and your single super-tank while the rest of your party takes out his allies (They aren't too difficult if you can avoid the traps).

    Once you've got Sarevok alone, you'll have to finish him primarily with ranged attacks. A wand of monster summoning can constantly refresh a supply of fodder for him to cut through, allowing you to throw everything you've got at him.

    I just now beat him and had a remarkably easy time of it. Dorn was an all-star, probably dealing well over half of Sarevok's health personally using his +3 Greatsword from behind a wall of War-Dogs. Kagain tanked as best he could and got in a few shots, then fell back and used his throwing axe for a couple extra points. It was mostly Neera's show, though, with her haste letting the party position appropriately and then her combined summoning and spellpower to keep Sarevok hurt and occupied. My PC Fighter/Thief was stunned the whole fight =P
  • MythdraconMythdracon Member Posts: 187
    Ok, but how do we stop confusion from being a problem?

    I had my cleric cast that Zone of Clean Air spell to stop the cloud, but there's no way out of the web, even with my fighters equipped with weapons conferring Free Action. And pounding Sarevok is hard when his allies keep stomping on me. I've been lucky once and gotten two of his allies killed before the fight, but Sarevok is still too fast and deadly to kill....and my party too incapacitated. =|
  • Stargazer5781Stargazer5781 Member Posts: 183
    Potion of clarity protects your characters from confusion. Otherwise keep some dispel magics on hand.
  • MythdraconMythdracon Member Posts: 187
    Thanks! I finally killed Sarevok after a fluke where the mage of his died and the other party members (for some reason) didn't come down like they normally do.

    Sucks you can't continue playing after his death though--I was hoping to do TOTSC stuff. =|
  • BeowulfBeowulf Member Posts: 236
    potion of freedom - cleric has a free action spell and a rigid thinking spell - also the amulet of think nice thoughts the green one you can buy in ugoths beard
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited December 2012

    Thanks! I finally killed Sarevok after a fluke where the mage of his died and the other party members (for some reason) didn't come down like they normally do.

    Sucks you can't continue playing after his death though--I was hoping to do TOTSC stuff. =|

    You should have an autosave/final save at the entrance of the temple of bhaal/inside the temple. So if you want to do the TOTSC stuff just use that and then return to kill Sarevok.
  • MythdraconMythdracon Member Posts: 187
    Thanks for the advice, Beowulf, it was very specific. :)

    elminster, did the EE staff say why they wouldn't let us do TOTSC stuff after killing Sarevok? Oh well, I guess I'll just load that autosave like you suggested.
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    Spreading out your party helps, then the AoE spells will only hit 1-2 people. It's a large room.

    I killed Semaj really fast and didn't get any Confusions cast at me, must have been lucky.
  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938
    I kept everyone back at the start. Ran up around the seal with boots of speed, then back down. Made the bad guys walk through the traps to me. I had three mages shoot magic missles at Sarevok and 2 others shoot ranged as he approached. And I don't know if one of the ranged got a lucky crit or if the magic missles went that hard, but by the time Sarevok got to my CHARNAME (Kensai) Sarevok was near death.

    Used Kai and.... Sarevok's dead.

    But what I had already learned is 3 level 7-8 mages all shooting magic missles at the same enemy at the same time kills most things in the game, and the things it doesn't kill are left at low HP. (Obviously there are a few exceptions)
  • CalmarCalmar Member Posts: 688

    Thanks for the advice, Beowulf, it was very specific. :)

    elminster, did the EE staff say why they wouldn't let us do TOTSC stuff after killing Sarevok? Oh well, I guess I'll just load that autosave like you suggested.

    TotSC isn't an actual addon story-wise like Throne of Bhaal or Heart of Winter. It just adds a few adventures to the BG base game. If you've started out with EE, it's just there as part of the world.
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    I hate the traps in the final battle, as it seems like reverse cheese. Still, it could be worse - it could follow the rest of BioWare models and have the vanquished Boss stand back up after the first vanquishing a la
    KOTOR (Malak) or ME1 (Saren)

    My one time killing Sarevok was as a paladin (base, original BG1) and I was able to do so while my allies punked his wanna-bees. I don't remember how many of my NPC's died, but the game ended so I didn't mind too much.

    This time, I'm an archer, so I plan to snipe his mage buddies and use called shot on him. We'll see if it works...
  • Raistlin82Raistlin82 Member Posts: 256
    Use Haggar's Double Lariat to clear out the area when the enemies get too close.
    Stay out of trouble with Guy and use hit-and-run tactics.
    And make sure to always equip Cody with a knife.
  • toanwrathtoanwrath Member Posts: 621
    edited December 2012

    elminster actually brings up a useful rule, never go toe to toe with Sarevok. Everyone is squishy in his eyes.

    Of course you don't go toe-to-toe with a level 15 fighter! The xp cap puts you at < 10!
    EDIT: Especially when he has a different sprite! That means he has ULTRA COOL POWERS!!

    Since I hoard potions all game, I use a BUNCH in the final fight. Specifically, the one that lets you pass all saves and negates 50% magic damage, all of the hit-point boosting/THAC0 boosting potions, resistance potions, speed potions for all, and then a few buff spells like Chaotic Commands (found a scroll of it in BG:EE, never had it in BG1 but now I will for sure save it for Sarevok), Prot. From Evil, etc.

    I lured them through the traps as well, because traps always seem to hate me in every game I play, getting max damage, and I tend to fail saves (though with the potions I mentioned, this might not be as big of a deal).

    I hate the traps in the final battle, as it seems like reverse cheese. Still, it could be worse - it could follow the rest of BioWare models and have the vanquished Boss stand back up after the first vanquishing a la

    KOTOR (Malak) or ME1 (Saren)

    Ah, someone else agrees that the
    fight is stupid stupid stupid. I never played the other one though, as the HUGE SPOILER was revealed to me before I had even heard of the game.
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    Haggar is cool.
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