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Bags of Holding

There are 18 (!!) BoHs in BG:EE!! This tells me they must be being used as teasure, loot drops, or a way to get enchanted weapons in the Pits (since Baeloth's merchants don't sell enchanted weapons... at least not at low levels).
Is there a BoH that is generic, that is, with no treasure in it? If so, would you tell me the item code? Thanks!


  • ArcticArctic Member Posts: 76
    you can use bg2 tweaks, it has an option to add a bag of holding(you can buy it in game ) , and make it bottomless!!!
  • ElfBaneElfBane Member Posts: 24
    Buy it?? I'll CLUA it in, thank you! I've played BG1TuTu many times, and managing inventory is not fun to me...YMMV.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    It would be nice to have some Hags of Holding walking around. The Red Wizards of Thay use them all the time.
  • marfigmarfig Member Posts: 208
    ElfBane said:

    Buy it?? I'll CLUA it in, thank you! I've played BG1TuTu many times, and managing inventory is not fun to me...YMMV.


    One would expect that in 2012, after decades of complaining, game developers would have already realized that few inventory slots DON'T add to an RPG fun, challenge or whatever. One thing I definitely expected on BGEE was a much increased inventory space. Being the case I find absolutely NO value in so few inventory slots, I always CLUA in a BoH.

    That said, weight considerations are a more interesting mechanism as far as roleplay is concern. That I do respect. It might (and should) be a concern to players who wish for a more elaborate roleplay experience. For which reason CLUA in a BoH is out of the question. Inventory slots however are (within reason) entirely arbitrary and highly debatable.
  • Aasimar069Aasimar069 Member Posts: 803
    edited December 2012
    Remember that it is not only a matter of inventory management, especially in this game where items that add strength are very scare.

    If your character only has 15 in game, he'll be able to carry his own armor, but won't be able to carry thousands of swords on him. You'll have to make choices of what you will take with you, and what you will not. Especially in the middle of a dungeon.

    If you put all the items in the bag, you loose this aspect because all the swords you have gathered will go inside and won't have any weight at all.

    In TOB this is less a problem, because with the belts, epic items and such, most of your characters will have epic strength and can carry almost everything.

    And such, bags of holding are great magical items that are very unlikely to be found by the first wannabe adventurer behind the wall of a farm they have just visited.

    PS : I'm always in for the cheese, but only when they are allowed by the game's rules (ie : hidden objects in trees or such, pickpocketables scimitars, ...). Cheese but no cheats ;-)
  • ElfBaneElfBane Member Posts: 24

    PS : I'm always in for the cheese, but only when they are allowed by the game's rules (ie : hidden objects in trees or such, pickpocketables scimitars, ...). Cheese but no cheats ;-)

    The "cheese vs. cheating" in BG games battle has been fought out years ago in numerous game forums. What you term as cheating, I term as ease-of-use.

    You Pays Your Money, And You Takes Your Pick.
  • RomulanPaladinRomulanPaladin Member Posts: 188
    On a first run through, you should probably suffer the inventory problem like the rest of us.

    For those of us that have been playing this game off and on for the past 14 years, I think that it's acceptable for us to do anything that increases the replayability of the game.

    I'm not suggesting that a BoH should be thrown into the game proper. I'm suggesting that it is perfectly acceptable to mod in a BoH if you've played the game 1,000 times and don't need the inventory management experience again.
  • Aasimar069Aasimar069 Member Posts: 803
    Yes there is no objection of a mod with a BoH, but it shall remain as a mod and not a direct addition in the game by the current dev team.

    And I must confess that during my many playthroughs of this game, I have dreamed sometimes of this bag (which could not exist since it was with Vanilla BG not a tutu or BGT).
  • SublimeBWSublimeBW Member Posts: 42
    I still find it a bit odd that they have the potion case in BG:EE but no scroll case. I started storing up scrolls since Imoen is level 6 and will be dualing her to Mage and ended up CLUAing in the scroll case due to the amount of room the scrolls were beginning to take up.

    As for the rest of the items I have a room at the FAI that I use as my personal room to store all my goodies I have to hoard and all NPCs I do not use are gathered around in the bar for easy access (not that I change my team up ever). Really, I could do the same for my scrolls but I feel that little pieces of paper shouldn't take up every inch of someone's back pack and when she hits level I can pop all the scrolls into her book and then rid myself of the case (although I will probably keep it for the story scrolls).
  • Aasimar069Aasimar069 Member Posts: 803
    Yes the scroll case could be added by the devs of BG:EE, but the game of holding should remain a mod addition or CLUA'd in the game because it's definitely a too good item for beginners.
  • NukeninNukenin Member Posts: 327
    Quit packin' rats.

    You don't need it.

    Bags of Holding are for good wholesome educational fun when placed inside Portable Holes, and vice versa. They're not meant to be used for holding mundane items like sheafs of halberds. That's just silly.

    Besides, the dwarf found another use for your Bag. You'll never get that smell out.
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