The Bhaalspawn Ascension

Okay, I always wondered, and I wanted to see what peoples opinions were on it...
At the end of ToB as everyone and their grandmother knows, CHARNAME ascends (possibly) and becomes a God (maybe).
Now presumably if he/she is Evil aligned he/she will contest for the Throne of Murder with Cyric possibly dethroning Cyric and becoming the new Lord of Murder. Or perhaps he/she would contest for or be given a part of the overall portfolio of Death.
Seems fairly self explanatory to me.
But what about a good aligned CHARNAME?
What portfolio would a good aligned ascended CHARNAME possibly recieve given that he/she is a scion of murder?
At the end of ToB as everyone and their grandmother knows, CHARNAME ascends (possibly) and becomes a God (maybe).
Now presumably if he/she is Evil aligned he/she will contest for the Throne of Murder with Cyric possibly dethroning Cyric and becoming the new Lord of Murder. Or perhaps he/she would contest for or be given a part of the overall portfolio of Death.
Seems fairly self explanatory to me.
But what about a good aligned CHARNAME?
What portfolio would a good aligned ascended CHARNAME possibly recieve given that he/she is a scion of murder?
A good aligned charname may become the nightmare of all evil aligned people in the world when he ascends. Ethos like: 'If you have hurt and murdered innocents, fear because HE will find you, and murder you in your sleep!' or 'If you plan to murder innocents, be sure that in the end, you shall be the one murdered by our (all new) Lord of Murder!' yeah like some sort of a vengeance-retribution god. Still does not sound too goody goody, neutral at best. But this is what charname did in his days:look what Sarevok plotted and charname killed him. Same for other bosses in SoA and ToB. They all wanted to kill and murder others, and were murdered by the charname in return.
I don't know.
To me there really doesn't seem to be a clear answer on the subject. That's why I am so interested in your' guys opinions.'s_Gate_II:_Throne_of_Bhaal#Plot
That's assuming, of course, that the good CHARNAME would ascend at all.
Playing NWN2: Mask of The Betrayer you can learn more about those changes.
Played it.
Just wondering what portfolio CHARNAME would have... I mean while "death" can be taken to be good or bad. Murder is pretty specific isn't it?
According to BG:ToB, this -could- happen:
Except those portfolios are already filled lol.
Another example would be Asmodeus who absorbed Azuth divine essence to ascend, Azuth portfolio was spellcasters and Asmodeus is the current god of sin
Cant be 2 death and magic goods, but can be a death and magic, a life and knowledge and a death and life.
When BG2EE comes out, would anyone download a mod that attempts to make a FR canon-friendly version of your Ascension?
Ok so bear with me here. My understanding of the Deities in forgotten realms is that they are empowered through two key sources: the number (and to a lesser extent, the fervency of belief) of their followers; and the portfolio they control fueled by the actions of mortals (regardless of the mortal's belief in the god whom controls the portfolio). If you played as a good aligned character, the morality behind all the killings made by you in the game were for morally righteous reasons. Your killing is justified, and therefor not murder. Ergo a good CHARNAME would not become a new god of murder, but of something like righteousness or duty.
We know that when a god loses all its followers, its power is diminished to the point where they basically cease to exist. Amaunator is the key example of this (despite the issue behing greatly confused by Amaunator being reborn as lathander, but this is only revealed in 4E, significantly after the lore set in BG2). BG2 clearly shows Amaunator as being only semi-alive due to his undying followers in Athkatla's catacombs.
Now here's where things get a little more obtuse, and I may be wrong here. The actions of any mortal, regardless of their patron god, at any time may directly align with a specific portfolio, and as such provide power to a Deity. Performing your duty? Helm gets some power. Murder someone? Cyric gets some power. Use magic? Mystra gets some power. The portfolio of gods gives them authority over the particular actions of mortals, and it makes sense that even without followers, gods can continue to exist as people still empower them through the portfolio.
Now, with that context set, lets examine the ascension of CHARNAME at the end of BG2:TOB. You're a bhallspawn, and feared throughout the realm due to the untold devastation wrought by your siblings. Add to this you are the last man standing; all that fear is a distinct type of belief, and it's all focused on you now.
Additionally, you've killed countless people, regardless of your alignment. Your morality behind these killings is key to determining the portfolio that your actions have been feeding. If you played as evil, a lust for power and love of killing would likely lead towards empowering of the portfolio of murder. If you were good, you were fighting to protect the people you love and bring peach and stability to the realms, empowering the portfolio of righteousness.
Upon your elevation to godhood would require direct intervention by AO and the reassignment of portfolios to your control. It makes sense that AO would give you control of the portfolio that closest matches your actions in life.