Strength hit bonus bugged?

I just started playing and rolled a kensai with 18/60 strength and two dots in Long Swords.
I am still only getting THAC0 18, even though I should be having +3 from strength alone. Am I missing something or is this a bug?
I am still only getting THAC0 18, even though I should be having +3 from strength alone. Am I missing something or is this a bug?
1618 THAC0, as you should get an additional +1 to hit from weapon specialization. So yeah, I'm not sure what's going on there.Now that I'm up a few levels, everything seems correct. But I will conceded that I tend to be a muppet about things like this so I just play the game. I've been to embarassed to post a thread asking your excact same question but I'm perfectly willing to stand behind you and listen for an answer. (insert emoticon of your choice)
I am also getting some bonuses when actually fighting people. Man, I wish someone would do a good write-up on how the math actually works in the game.
I noticed that the bonus numbers when attacking depend highly on what enemy you are fighting. I think it also includes the enemy's armor modifiers (some armor is better against some damage types).