I hate companions.
Seriously. It feels like baby sitting. Even with scripts I can't play my main guy without one of them dying. Then I just end up dragging around a grey portrait and gear I can't sell.
Is there a downside to not having a full party other than difficulty?
Is there a list somewhere telling you what characters you will NEED in order to complete certain quest?
I'd seriously rather run around solo but I have read the game wasn't ment to be played that way and you will miss out on huge amount of content if you do.
Is there a downside to not having a full party other than difficulty?
Is there a list somewhere telling you what characters you will NEED in order to complete certain quest?
I'd seriously rather run around solo but I have read the game wasn't ment to be played that way and you will miss out on huge amount of content if you do.
If you've not run through the game two or three times then I would reccomend against soloing. As far as keeping your peeps alive, I think that is more about learning the interface and the game. If your mages keep running into mele, change thier ai scrpits. You do that by hitting 'r' (brings up character info) 'customize', 'scripts'
I've played through maybe 8-10 times over the years. Many battles just owned me. Then I learned the tactics needed to overcome the difficult areas from people far better at this game than I am. I guess all computer games are like that.
Relax, enjoy the frustration and role-play your character. Immerse yourself in the world and story. Then when you become the Duke of Castle Kickass it will be that much sweeter.
In my case, I usually give all the best magic items to CHARNAME, he becomes overpowerful and the other party members almost useless...
This game is meant to have you equally micromanaging a party of six people. It isn't meant to be played like Mass Effect or KOTOR. I hope you come around to that line of thinking, because the series is quite rewarding when you get into it.
Of course, this means that I miss out on some of the NPC interactions, but at the same time it means that I enjoy the overall game much more and essentially get more time with my favorite NPCs. I can also get better gear faster because I can sell everything that those few people don't use.
I certainly could play solo, and I have done so in the past, but the reason I like Baldur's Gate more than games like Oblivion is because of the NPCs and their interaction with my PC. If I didn't have any NPCs there wouldn't really be a point to playing Baldur's Gate as I could do the same thing better in other games.