The Music. I've been everywhere. Still no luck.

I just want to be able to listen to the music out of game. No fiddling with searching it on youtube, no buying an extra soundtrack CD. No jumping in game and reloading over and over until that one track I want to hear finally pops up.
Just tell me how to play the music files located within the game that I bought.
(Don't suggest VLC media player unless you've already tried it, and have found out that it'll play each individual .acm file just fine, but that if you queue up a bunch of the .acm files together it'll pause shortly between each 2-3 second segment. That's horrid to listen to. No, VLC will not play the .mus files.)
This same problem persists for all of the infinity engine games. The music is there in the files, but shame on you for trying to listen to them out of game.
Just tell me how to play the music files located within the game that I bought.
(Don't suggest VLC media player unless you've already tried it, and have found out that it'll play each individual .acm file just fine, but that if you queue up a bunch of the .acm files together it'll pause shortly between each 2-3 second segment. That's horrid to listen to. No, VLC will not play the .mus files.)
This same problem persists for all of the infinity engine games. The music is there in the files, but shame on you for trying to listen to them out of game.