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Does my Blade need INT?

So my new evil character blade has an intelligence of 13... is this too low? I didn't think about if it would be important until now, will she get more spell slots per level the higher her int?


  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    INT doesn't let you memorize any extra spells, but it does determine how many spells you can have in your spellbook, as well as your chance of successfully copying a spell to your book (you have 100% success at difficulties lower than Core). But there are potions that temporarily boost your INT, so if your spell book is full and you still want to add more, you could chug a couple of those.
  • DaelricDaelric Member Posts: 266
    Does it affect her Lore? Even though she's a blade an gets half the Lore a regular bard gets...
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    no, wisdom increases lore. she basically doesn't need INT because there are many useless spells you'll be fine without.
    but for roleplaying purposes i wouldn't go below 15 in any case :)
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    Intelligence increases lore at the same rate as wisdom, according to the chart that I'm looking at now. Having 13 intelligence means you'll only have an abysmal 55% chance of scribing a scroll, which may or may not be a problem for you depending on how you play. More importantly, however, 13 intelligence limits you to only 9 spells per level.

    Sure, there are plenty of useless spells that you can skip learning. There are also plenty of situational spells that you won't want constantly memorized, but will be thrilled to have when the time comes. There are only a handful of basilisks in the game, for example, but you'll be glad to have Protection from Petrification in your spell book when you encounter one.

    This decision depends highly on what other casters you have in the party, and what sort of spells you'll want them to have. Since a Blade won't get higher than level 6 spells and will likely spend most of his time in the melee, having only 9 spells per level may not be an issue to you.
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    never knew INT affects lore, but i see that it's true. i stand corrected.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    You can just collect a lot of scrolls, then gulp potions of genius and mind focusing to raise your INT, and scribe them all in one go.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    bob_veng said:

    never knew INT affects lore, but i see that it's true. i stand corrected.

    Yes it's true
  • iKrivetkoiKrivetko Member Posts: 934
    TJ_Hooker said:

    INT doesn't let you memorize any extra spells, but it does determine how many spells you can have in your spellbook, as well as your chance of successfully copying a spell to your book (you have 100% success at difficulties lower than Core). But there are potions that temporarily boost your INT, so if your spell book is full and you still want to add more, you could chug a couple of those.

    So basically one can turn difficulty down, scribe, turn difficulty up? Noice.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    iKrivetko said:

    So basically one can turn difficulty down, scribe, turn difficulty up? Noice.

    Yes but it does not change the max amount of spells you can learn and have in your spellbook per spell level. You will need to delete some unused spells if you want to learn more. It is not that big of a problem if you play with a selected amount of spells all the time, but hurts your versatility. Or just gulp a potion that raises your INT as described above when you want to scribe more scrolls.

  • ArcticArctic Member Posts: 76
    edited December 2012
    The most important is at least 18 18 15 in str dex con , and then tome str and con to 19 18 16, start with 16 con if you want to give the tome to other char.

    Then cha for reaction and int for lore and spells... you dont need wisdom since you will not use wish.

    I just rolled in 5 minutes a 18 18 16 15 10 18 .. so is easy with bard
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