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What is the best weapon class for a Fighter?

I always get stuck choosing a weapon class...this is for a Fighter not kit to play through the series


  • CutlassJackCutlassJack Member Posts: 493
    All weapons are more or less balanced. So it really depends on how you plan to fight...ranged, two handed, weapon/shield etc. Each has their advantages and whatnot.

    Longsword is a safe enough bet if you're undecided. Reasonable amount of blades available. Its probably best to avoid focusing exclusively on piercing weapons due to a few monsters having immunity to that type of damage. Sticking to slashing or crushing weapons will be less frustrating.
  • StrayedMonkeyStrayedMonkey Member Posts: 146
    I usually go longswords...I enjoyed that I didnt have to pick a specifc type in BG vanilla and just got to choose large swords... haha
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    Ok, well first you should pick a style and go with it.

    Dual Wielding is always a strong choice so we'll work from there.

    Longswords are an extremely strong choice as there are a lot of great longswords over the whole series.

    Axes are another strong choice. They also double as a ranged weapon as there are throwing axes both disposable and magical returning.

    Flails are another great choice because of two in particular in the second game. One is called the Flail of the Ages, and the other gives damage reduction when equipped so it is a great offhand weapon.

    Moving out a bit, the Hammer of Thunderbolts, the Crom Faeyr, is an awesome weapon but is usually given to clerics because they have a greatly reduced selection of weapons.
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    Longswords, and to a slightly lesser extent greatswords, are consistently represented well throughout the series. You can't go wrong with either.

    One might make the case for other weapon types, like flails or katanas, having better options in BG2. While this is true, you did say this is for the whole series... There's only one +1 katana in the whole of BGEE, and only a handful of flails that I know of.

    Scimitars are another good option. There aren't too many in BG1, but this is offset by the fact that the scimitar proficiency also allows for wakizashis and ninja-tos. This means that there will be several +1 options for early BG, a couple +2 options for late BG (or even better, depending on how you intend to treat a certain dark elf), and a plethora of weapons in BG2.
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    I think the best option would be to put ** in Longswords and ** in Dual Wielding to start. Then work on maxing out those and grabbing some *'s in axes as well. You won't be sorry as you'll have a wide range of weapons to choose from and be able to dual wield.

    It's a solid choice and easy to use.
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    in bg1 pick longsword, scimitar, axe
    in bg2, pick warhammers and dual wielding \0/

    a real, and probably a better, but a bit less fun (and a bit less cheesy) alternative to that would be a two-hander.
  • DebaserDebaser Member Posts: 669
    @Madhax I concur....For Dual Wielding I say Scimitars / Wazikashi / Ninjato's are probably the best in the long run. Hammers, and then Flails are about tied in. During the course of the first two games prior to TOB I would say that Long Swords are the most useful / versatile but over time they grow less powerful. Axes and Bastard Swords each have some incredible uber weapons which put them up with Hammers and Flails in the endgame with Axe of Unyielding as well as Foebane and the Purifier for Bastards.

    I think clubs, daggers and Katana are kind of weaker choices. Yes Celestial Fury is great for a Kensai / Mage...but it's kind of overrated otherwise.

    For Two-Handed Weapons I dig great swords, halberds, staffs and spears...there are actually excellent choices for all weapon types.
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    I would balance it out for piercing, slashing and blunt weapons. Longbow for piercing, long sword/axe for slashing and hammer/mace/flail for blunt.

    If picking for 2 handed weapons, spear/longbow for piercing, 2 handed sword for slashing and staff for blunt.

    Just curious, does anyone ever use a bastard sword and halberd? I usually dont because either there are not much magical weapons around early in the game or there are better alternatives.

    Also, how does a bastard sword work? Does it count as one handed if there is a shield or a second weapon placed on offhand and two handed just by itself?
  • DebaserDebaser Member Posts: 669
    ALSO: Maces are kind of overall weak. There's a good one in BG1...and an OK one for BG2 (mace of disruption which is really best for specific fights.), but having someone who can use it is usually a good idea.
  • DebaserDebaser Member Posts: 669
    @bbear Bastards swords are great in BG1 and BG2 but slow. Foebane in BG2 is in particular incredible. But the Purifier is fantastic for a paladin.
  • DebaserDebaser Member Posts: 669
    I do not know if it counts as a two hander without a shield, I read there was a mod for that sort of thing for TuTu prior to EE coming out. But I doubt it. Try and see? It will probably be considered a one handed weapon.
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    Unfortunately, they didn't implement a way to wield a bastard sword in two hands. I, too, have heard of a mod that makes it work, but it isn't part of BGEE.
  • CutlassJackCutlassJack Member Posts: 493
    Yup Bastard Swords only count as one handers. But I love the thematic notion of using them with a Half Orc. :)
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    I like Halbred or other two handed weapons for archer types to switch to in melee without having to swap a shield in and out - add a couple pips in two handed weapons just becuase you can.
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    I always go for long swords. They have a decent speed and there are more magical type swords you can find. I like two-handed swords but they are too slow for my speed. I generally give them to an NPC who is skilled in those weapons.
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