Help with Baeloth in Black Pits

I cannot touch this guy in the last battle. I can kill his two cronies eventually (although I lose half my party while Baeloth repeatedly fireballs/ices the area). If I just focus on Baeloth from the start my weapons don't seem to do anything. The only time he was even damaged was when he cast cloudkill on himself. I try to silence him but he seems to insta cast confusion/rigid thinking/some horrible thing on my cleric every time.
Nothing I have can get past his magical defenses. My party is pretty much all melee (2 berserkers, barb, swash, kensai), with the exception of a cleric. I didn't take a mage since I thought I would dual class a zerker, but didn't realise the Black Pits was so short.
I'm out of gold and patience! I'm tempted to just restart with mages galore. Any tips would be appreciated.
Nothing I have can get past his magical defenses. My party is pretty much all melee (2 berserkers, barb, swash, kensai), with the exception of a cleric. I didn't take a mage since I thought I would dual class a zerker, but didn't realise the Black Pits was so short.
I'm out of gold and patience! I'm tempted to just restart with mages galore. Any tips would be appreciated.
If possible (I haven't been up to this point btw) go back and do tier fights again and get more levels, I am pretty sure the level cap is a lot higher in Black pits so get your characters as high as possible before fighting baeloth.
Being a Drow he has high Magic Resistance, so the only way to get rid of his Stoneskins and Mirror Images is either to Dispel or Breach them.
After killing the duerger get the rakasha, you cant wound him with bow and arrow atleast i wasent able to, and normal weapons dont work either, so atleast +1 weapons are what you want.
since you dont have a mage, boost you defenses from the cleric bless maybe chant. Another importnant thing is a cloak(?) which can spell "bigger haste(?) - the better haste version -" onto you, i think it also gives invisibility 3 times a day, do that (haste) on one of your party members and he goes haywire.
I guess now you can only try often, i had a mage to reduce his magic resistance and breach all of his protection spells.
I guess you should farm to level 10 all party members anfd maybe get some potions, I'm myself not a big potion fan but the healing potions are a big help, don't know about the other stuff.
What happens in the Bealoth fight
dunno if this is common knowledge but you can buff your characters prior to entering the arena. also, if in your last fight you summoned undead, those undead will stay there upon your next fight (assuming you don't rest.) I think the maximum of summons is 5 monsters. what's cool is that after each fight you auto rest and re-learn all your spells (with the exception of any new spell slots you attain when gaining a level, those remain empty) speaking of animate dead, does anyone only ever summon ghasts now? not that i'm not complaining or anything, but all i ever get are the wonderful paralyzing ghasts
The Kensai/Thieves were rubbish due to the fact i didn't bother taking any potions of invisibility so they couldn't backstab (i could never HIS in the Pits).
I just sent the Gemini Twins (my Kensai/Thieves) after the dwarf, a fight that actually ended fairly quickly.
The pure Kensai and the Avenger went after the bloody Rakasha and spent what felt like years whittling him down to "Barely Injured".
The Cleric chucked out a few summons and didn't really do much.
The Cleric/Ranger threw out summons, then went to work on Baeloth with her hammers. He was probably the easiest of the three to beat.
I really struggled with the Rakasha in this fight, i'm not sure if all the weapons are using their enchantments correctly, i had one attempt where i decided to reload because it just didn't seem like i could damage him. I had a full party of six wailing on him with +2 weapons (blunt and slashing) and he never displayed any damage taken.
Also, you should probably load up on some protection from fire spells. If he just lobs fireballs, that 80% resistance is huge.
You can HiS. Right after Baeloth stops talking, immediately hit the pause button. You basically have about a second before your opponents spawn. Hit your stealth button and wallah!
No cheating, but it was an amazing feat oooooof