Wraithform overpowered?

I was playing around with this spell.
It's absolutely devastating.
As a fighter/mage, you can attack at full force, as a sorcerer you can use Melf's minute meteors or wands.
The duration is 2 rounds/level, so you can have this protection during the entire fight.
It's absolutely devastating.
As a fighter/mage, you can attack at full force, as a sorcerer you can use Melf's minute meteors or wands.
The duration is 2 rounds/level, so you can have this protection during the entire fight.
So its not really OP. The enemies you face after that point can handle it. The harder ones can anyways.
Question, does lightning bolts or fireballs casted by enemy mages count as elemental damage or magical attacks? I know that Magic Missile is always magic damage, but does Wraithform protects from lightning bolts and fireballs?
In short it makes you immune to nonmagical weapons as a level 3 spell, an has some other effects I can't remember off the top of my head
It will be available in BG2EE most likely, but that will be up to the developers where they put it.
5th level, allowed you and your party to instantly teleport to any place you'd been at least once, and worked anywhere except for a handful of places that would reasonably be warded (or due to interference) against teleporting in or out.
And the best part was...if you imported the character from SoA into ToB, he retained all his teleport locations and could pop back into Amn or trademeet or whatever to sell or buy stuff and pop back into Tethyr. The only disadvantage was, you couldn't enter the world map from those areas without crashing the game, but if you made sure to visit each location, and each district of Amn, it wasn't a huge deal since you could just teleport to each district.
Theoretically your sorcerer can run into a middle of enemy mob and cast fireball at his feet from a wand. Clearly overpowered. Has anybody tried this to see if it works?
The fireball strategy doesn't seem overpowered. I've seen no evidence it reduces fire damage (only plain magic like magic missile, vampiric touch, and skull trap damage - along with lightning damage). Not only that but the strategy involves you putting your character with probably the least amount of health in a situation where (in the more difficult battles) he/she could very well get hit with a hold person, confusion, or another mind affecting spell. Now granted that might not mean the end of them, but it is a pretty big risk for something you could have just cast from a distance. Unless you are playing solo or with a small party I'm just not seeing how a spell that you can only get after achieving 40,000 experience with a character (or getting to the end of chapter 6) really is going to make much (if any) difference to the point where it could be considered to be OP. Perhaps in BG2EE, but in that case the losing of spell casting is a disincentive to anyone other than perhaps a fighter/mage or bard (of any kit).
Concerning the ring of fire resistance...
And another hidden in a crevice in this map (http://www.forgottenwars.com/bg1/ar5500.htm).