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[Request] Overlapping effects

AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
Originally posted on /r/FriendsOfBaldursGate by Galactygon.

There are many spells and items that either grant a bonus to a stat or set the stat to some number so they can't be abused.

This has the problem that either they lower a character's stat or the cumulative bonuses can be abused or (in the case of spells) they can't be refreshed before the duration expires due to an opcode 206 to prevent abuse.

There has been more than one request to fix this or that item, or this or that spell. This is a request to handle these in a coherent and efficient manner.

I have a design suggestion in mind on how to handle this in an efficient manner that is also sustainable to future mod additions:

Overlapping effects would mean you could have multiple bonuses (stats, hp, saving throws, etc.) active, but only receive the highest bonus at any given time (or the lowest penalty if they are meant to debilitate you). The bonuses and penalties are calculated relative to the true value of the characters' stat (be it hp, str, or some saving throw). I suggest to handle overlapping effects in external .eff files and create 2 .2da tables with the list of those effects that are meant to overlap with each other. The reason I'm calling for 2 .2da tables is because bonuses and penalties should be handled separately.

Modders can add their own effects to the two .2da files via WeiDU pretty easily.


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