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Anyone here play BG for the first time with BGEE?

Just wondering, would be cool to new what people completely new to the game think! Seems like majority here are playing it for the umpteenth time already. ;)


  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    I've certainly started the original a bunch of times but I only ever played far/finished the game once. So for me, a lot of the game's content seems new and playing it with the BG2 engine is something I've wanted to for a long time (I discovered tutu very late, like last year, and couldn't really get into it).

    I also got a gaming buddy to buy it with almost no prodding, and except for finding the game somewhat hard he does seem to be enjoying it. I'm not sure it's a game you can recommend to most people these days if they're not into RPGs for the story and character-building, but the ones that do like those things should probably love it as much as we did when it was still new.
  • LordOfLostSocksLordOfLostSocks Member Posts: 23
    I've sunk maybe 100 hours in this game, but never really finished it personally. Tried a bunch of different characters. What can I say. I was 9 at the time, but I did become quite good at it. :)

    I did use to sit next to my older brother when he was playing it. Good times, good times.
  • RiolathelRiolathel Member Posts: 330
    edited December 2012
    I played BG when i was a kid (i'm 19 now). I was really bad at the game then and i never made it to Nashkel mines.

    So mostly this is my first time.. I got to chapter 7 on my wizard then decided i wanted to reroll so i'm working my way back up and i'm at the Mage/battle horror fight.

    I've never played BG2 though
  • MikkelMikkel Member Posts: 86
    Riolathel said:

    I've never played BG2 though

    Something to look forward to then, assuming BG:EE does well enough for them to get to release BG2:EE. Or if not, the original BG2 game is still quite playable.
  • donhendonhen Member Posts: 5
    This is my first time playing ... well to be more accurate BG:EE is my first experience with the series. I'm currently on my third character as the first two didn't fair well. My Kensai and Wizard died frequently enough that I nearly failed a morale check, but I finally got traction with an Undead Hunter. I'm having much more fun now that I'm getting used to the systems.

    I really should have tried the games earlier. Looking forward to BG2 now. :-)
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