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Reroller *open source* released

For those interested in getting decent stats for a solo run (my excuse), I put together a very basic Abilities re-roller that automates the clicking and adding all the numbers up. It uses simple screen grabbing and full source is in C# on Visual Studio 2012 Express and a binary Windows installer is on Sourceforge as well. More info here:

Hopefully of use to someone out there.


  • AlexDeLargeAlexDeLarge Member Posts: 273
    edited December 2012
    Whoa this is brilliant! Installing it right now. Was getting really tired of spamming reroll, plus it puts a huge strain on your eyes. Now i can go out, watch a movie or something, then when i come back home, BAM - 100 stats

    Edit: I've installed it and it works like a charm! Funny enough, it took 1200 rerolls to get a 92. Hard to imagine i used to reroll so many times before to get this score. Now i feel like a no-lifer :(

    Anyway rumpus, you have my utmost appreciation for this app!
  • rumpusrumpus Member Posts: 5
    Ok -- it's my first try on making a C# installer so let me know if it works. Can imagine screen grabbing might have issues depending on graphics cards and Windows themes (running vanilla Win 7 myself).
  • szbszb Member Posts: 220
    Stays at 'Waiting for Abilities screen...' forever for me :-(
  • rumpusrumpus Member Posts: 5
    @szb, ok I hope some other nerd out there can help figure out how to make it more robust -- hope someone can take a peek at the code (it's only 500 lines).
  • rumpusrumpus Member Posts: 5
    @AlexDeLarge happy to hear it's working for at least one other person!! *jumps up and down*
  • RhymeRhyme Member Posts: 190
    Looks great. I look forward to downloading and trying it out tonight.

    Can I ask how it values the percentage strength points? Does it treat a 91 with an 18(25) as better than a 90 with an 18(00)? Because sometimes the 18(00) can be worth more than a couple more total stat points.
  • szbszb Member Posts: 220
    I'm using win8 64 bit, maybe thats the problem?
  • rumpusrumpus Member Posts: 5
    @Rhyme it currently ignores the exceptional strength values as I didn't have patience to screengrab out the templates for all 100 combinations (I *did* grab all other stat values which was painful in itself). Therefore, a 91 is always "better" than a 90 in regards to your question.
  • rumpusrumpus Member Posts: 5
    @szb ooh that's probably why since the window header (title bar) is included in the screen grab by default (I suck at C# and win apis -- there it's said) and that could cause a misalignment with the image comparer. Possible to run BGEE in some sort of compatibility mode for the theme?
  • szbszb Member Posts: 220
    Win7 compability mode didn't worked. I also tried running the game full screen and using your reroller on my secondary monitor but still no luck :-(
  • DMCDMC Member Posts: 44
    Apparently this requires Microsoft Net Framework 4.5, which is not supported in Win XP. Oh well... great idea and contribution to the community, wish I could use it...
  • OnceWasPerfectOnceWasPerfect Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2012
    I'm also stuck at the "waiting for attribute screen" part. I have resized my window so maybe that is the problem? What windows size did you use when making the app?

    Windows 7 64bit
  • AllbrotherAllbrother Member Posts: 262
    Same here
  • FrecheFreche Member Posts: 473
    edited December 2012
    @szb , @DMC , @OnceWasPerfect , @Silchas and anyone else that might have trouble with this one.
    Feel free to try out this similar program, posted on the modding forum a couple of days ago.
  • OnceWasPerfectOnceWasPerfect Member Posts: 4
    Freche said:

    @szb , @DMC , @OnceWasPerfect , @Silchas and anyone else that might have trouble with this one.
    Feel free to try out this similar program, posted on the modding forum a couple of days ago.

    Thanks, works like a charm
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