I think I screwed myself, I had Imoen dual over to a mage at lvl 3 thief, but if I remember correctrly you need a decent thief for firewine and durlags tower
There are quite a few areas where indeed, having someone disarm traps is a must. You could however temporarily boost her abilites with potions. Unlocking chests is less of an issue (>18 STR often is enough).
There are many other thief NPCs. I will not spoil their location now, but they are not difficult to find. Also, with some experience hunting Immy can get her mage levels back soon enough. Or, use potions to increase her lacking skills, as suggested above.
Well, get yourself another thief, there are plenty in the game. Coran is my personal favorite but he's only available halfway through the game. Still, Immy will regain her thieving abilities rather quickly and while she won't be much of a thief, she might suffice until then (if you've put all her points into find traps and pick lock until you dualled her). Other than that you can pick up Montaron and Safana right away.
There are Potions of Fire and Cloud Giant strength, just very rare. On my last playthrough I've found about six of them. I certainly wouldn't rely on them to open locks.
There are Potions of Fire and Cloud Giant strength, just very rare. On my last playthrough I've found about six of them. I certainly wouldn't rely on them to open locks.
Ahhh yes forgot about those but I agree it would be a waste to use them for opening a lock!
Yes DUHM is perfect for that, much better than potions and much cheaper. However I remember one place in particular (with probably the best loot in the game) in which my boosted STR (I think it was around 21/22) did not open one or two of the most important chests.
Generally unless it's an aoe trap or something horrific, it's simple enough to cast mirror image and walk through it unscathed.
There are Potions of Fire and Cloud Giant strength, just very rare. On my last playthrough I've found about six of them. I certainly wouldn't rely on them to open locks.