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Minsc and Mazzy

I think someone should make a romance mod between these too. Once I had a dream and I was at their wedding. Since then Ive always thought it to be a good idea. She could ride around on his shoulders and it would be so cute. Plus they would make a sweet combat duo, he could throw her in to battle or whip her around in a circle while she held her sword out.
They could make a really bad spin off cartoon together aswell. That would be sweet!


  • CutlassJackCutlassJack Member Posts: 493
    Screw Minsc. He's got Boo. He's made his choice. If anyone should get a romance with Mazzy it should be me.
  • rdarkenrdarken Member Posts: 660
    I get the sense Minsc wouldn't ever really pursue a relationship with someone after the Dynaheir thing. After all, he was bound to serve her "every need." I don't know much about the lore, but I kind of feel like his "relationship" is with his witch only. It seemed a lot more adult and mature in BG1 than BG2, though.
  • CutlassJackCutlassJack Member Posts: 493
    Joking aside Minsc really adopts Aerie anyways as a Dynaheir replacement in BG2 if you take them both around.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    Using the press method of merging the names of celebrity couples into one word, the potential minsc - mazzy relationship would be known as Minsky, which makes me happy.
  • rdarkenrdarken Member Posts: 660
    I actually wasn't joking. Something about Minsc & Dynaheir's relationship felt very... adult to me. Again, as I said, I don't know anything about the lore of their people, but, I don't know, it seemed more than strictly bodyguarding to me.

    I think his psyche breaks a bit when Dynaheir dies. He seems quite a bit more childish in BG2 to me. This could just be that the writers wanted to play up his personality a bit more. But, anyway, I never really took his adoption of Aerie very seriously. While I never used them in the same party together or saw this interaction, it seemed more of a comical thing.
  • MechaliburMechalibur Member Posts: 265
    I don't think there's very much between them. Their conversations make it sound like they don't even know eachother that well.
  • XivirielXiviriel Member Posts: 166
    Minsc didn't have a relationship with Dynaheir, at least not with the NPC project installed. You could have a relationship with her and he would be skeptical at first but then be really happy and protect you both.
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