High level thief pointless?
At what point is gaining levels as a thief pointless? I mean as far as skills are concerned. A thief and put more than one point into weapon proficiency... so you end up being just normal with a bunch of different weapons... And I would imagine that at a certain point thief abilities would get so high you wouldn't really notice anything.
SO i was thinking about a dual class thief/fighter or fighter/thief. But I can decide one what levels for each class. I tried a Assassin 6(??? i think) then dual-ed to a fighter. But it just seemed like a face palm starting all over again. And I then also noticed I could immediately throw the 4 starting points into 1 weapon versus only 2. So the game recognizes you're a higher level?
Does this work in reverse? I mean before I start all over I figured I could just ask.
So Basically if I rolled a zerker... got about 3 levels then dual-ed to a thief. Once getting a thief to level 4 and above, will the game let me put more than 1 point in weapons at level up since it recognizes "fighter in me"?
SO i was thinking about a dual class thief/fighter or fighter/thief. But I can decide one what levels for each class. I tried a Assassin 6(??? i think) then dual-ed to a fighter. But it just seemed like a face palm starting all over again. And I then also noticed I could immediately throw the 4 starting points into 1 weapon versus only 2. So the game recognizes you're a higher level?
Does this work in reverse? I mean before I start all over I figured I could just ask.
So Basically if I rolled a zerker... got about 3 levels then dual-ed to a thief. Once getting a thief to level 4 and above, will the game let me put more than 1 point in weapons at level up since it recognizes "fighter in me"?
So you need to lvl till 9 as fighter/kit to get grandmaster (*****) in any weapon
The kits however are always worth it to just tough it out and stay single...class.
Assassins though don't even get their main perk till 21, and their very low skill point totals make them much less ideal lowbie duals.
Similarly, Bounty Hunter don't get their best specialty trap till 21...but once they do, they're one of the strongest single classes in the game. Even more so since it combines well with their HLA.
Swashbuckler is a perfect, no fuss replacement to a dualed or multi fighter thief, if you don't like the micromanagement of backstabbing. By around level 20, they can't miss any enemy except on a 1 (with exception to Drizzt). They do need dual speed weapons to be at maximum efficiency, but that's not too bad a requirement.
*Cleric and Druid work, too. Even mage, but only with a trick: Dual at 6 and don't level your mage until he has enough XP to reach level 7 so you gain all levels at once and can put your level 4 point in your weapon of choice.
Someone said this is not supposed to work accordnign to the PnP rules, but the game totally allows it.
PnP allows ONLY single class fighters to specialize (+1 hit, +2 damage, +1/2 attack), there is no GM, and no one else can specialize, not even pallys, rangers or multi-fighters.
Dual-class technically can if fighter is their first class, but once they dual they can't specialize in new weapons ever again, but do retain any specialization they earned previously.
Also on topic there are a lot of points to spend on thieves skills and you can't max all of them.
locks and traps take several levels to max and you will want them later in the content. Then you have two stealth skills to max and that takes a lot. And then you have traps which are decent. And you have pick pocket. I haven't tried detect illusion, but that might be good against mages. I'm not sure if you can get true sight in BG1 and if not detect illusion could be nice.
what is the point of sticking everything in MS if you wont be able to even hide?
are you guys sure this is legit?
In Short:
(Hide in Shadows + Move Silently) / 2 = Chance to Hide In Shadows
Move Silently = Chance to stain hidden every round
I went around testing them both, and the hide in shadow thief hid way more than the other. It was ridiculous actually.
Now obviously I could have just gotten really good rolls on one and bad rolls on the other. But 20 minutes straight of good rolls and bad rolls on each character?
If you run in a party with multiple thieves then some of these skills are duplicative (pick locks, for example) but others aren't (set traps, detect illusion). Whether the additional benefits are worth passing up the chance to dual or multi-class is a legit issue but I would strongly say there is no BG:EE thief that can't get real benefits from additional skill points.
Plus, if you take the Swashbuckler kit, you're great in combat.