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SPOILER - Yeslick's weapon proficiences at lvl 4/5 and Rasaad's quest rewards

I want to pick up Yeslick but I'm wondering if I should pick him up earlier or later. I would like to pick him up later if he puts a weapon proficiency into mace for lvl 3 fighter but otherwise I will get him before. Anyone know which proficiency he chooses if you get him later?

Also, I've been using Rasaad and he's not very good because of his low AC. In his quest is there any equipment picked up that improve his AC or anything else that makes him significantly better?

Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions :)


  • TomeTome Member Posts: 466
    Normally I don't advocate editing a companion's stats drastically, but if I were you I would recommend majorly buffing Rasaad's with ShadowKeeper.
  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    Give him the ring of kazgaroth, it doesn't affect his HP even though it lowers his con by 2. His quest reward is a belt that gives him 19 strength and 6 int. It greatly improves his thac0 and damage. In my game Rasaad crits for 38+ damage.
  • YamxelaYamxela Member Posts: 13
    Found out that Yeslick does put a prof into mace if you decide to get him later.
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