Unable to save.

I am pulling my hair out.
I've been playing bgee for a while and have saved my game successfully a bunch of times.
However, recently I replaced my second hard drive (the one which I put games on) with a brand new SSD... which gave me an infuriating problem. Note that I have not done anything to my C:\-drive.
When I started the game up again there were no saves to load (which makes no sense, since the saves are on C:\, which I have not manipulated in any way).
let's say I start a game and then try to save the game... a message says saved successfully or something of that effect. However, no save is created. If I go to load game there are no saves to choose from.
What I have tried:
1. Removing completely and reinstalling the game several times. (to no avail)
2. Removing the folder in documents, hoping that the game would create a a new one on launch. (to no avail)
3. I have the old baldur's gate - enhanced edition folder with loads of saves in it which I've tried putting in a gazillion different places. (to no avail)
4. Crying. (to no avail)
I've been playing bgee for a while and have saved my game successfully a bunch of times.
However, recently I replaced my second hard drive (the one which I put games on) with a brand new SSD... which gave me an infuriating problem. Note that I have not done anything to my C:\-drive.
When I started the game up again there were no saves to load (which makes no sense, since the saves are on C:\, which I have not manipulated in any way).
let's say I start a game and then try to save the game... a message says saved successfully or something of that effect. However, no save is created. If I go to load game there are no saves to choose from.
What I have tried:
1. Removing completely and reinstalling the game several times. (to no avail)
2. Removing the folder in documents, hoping that the game would create a a new one on launch. (to no avail)
3. I have the old baldur's gate - enhanced edition folder with loads of saves in it which I've tried putting in a gazillion different places. (to no avail)
4. Crying. (to no avail)