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[IMPORTANT BUG] Going to Baldur's Gate, before Cloakwood

KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
edited December 2012 in Not An Issue
I don't know, if you could do that in Vanilla BG, but you can just skip the Cloakwood.
I just forgot to go there, and went:
Nashkel -> Bandit Camp -> Baldur's Gate

I think it could also screw some things up, as you skip entire chapter...

After checking this out again:
Skipping any chapter makes you unable to enter Candlekeep, even after getting the quest from duke Eltan, which makes a player unable to finish the game.

Make that so a player can't skip Cloakwood chapter, or any other chapters.
Post edited by Tanthalas on


  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    So when you got to AR0900 before going to the Cloakwood the bridge was down and you managed to enter the city of Baldur's Gate?

    I just tested in my game and going to AR0900 before chapter 5 the bridge is always up.
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    Now that you mentioned it... Now that I play this game for thousand time, I use explore area and teleport cheat in places, where nothing interesting happens, to speed things up. So yeah, I probably missed that, lol.
    That's... stupid of me :P

    ok, @Tanthalas you can close this topic :P
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