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Subrace Menu Not Displaying?

SunfirecrossSunfirecross Member Posts: 1
edited December 2012 in Not An Issue
The sub-races are supposed to be in the Game, right? When I went to create a Drow character, I clicked on Elf nothing appeared an was just a normal Elf. I was just curious if I was doing something wrong or if this was a glitch.
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  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    There are currently no subraces in the game. Not sure when or if they will be implemented, but I'd like to see them added to the game.
  • SunfirecrossSunfirecross Member Posts: 1
    Thank you. The text in the Elven description was highly deceptive. Guess I'll have to put off my Drow Assassin playthrough for later.
  • Raistlin82Raistlin82 Member Posts: 256
    Or... you know... since you might be waiting forever... you could just play an elf and make him dark-skinned, instead.
  • MERLANCEMERLANCE Member Posts: 421
    He could, but that wouldnt give him his 50% +2% per level magic resistance or extra intelligence, now would it?
  • Raistlin82Raistlin82 Member Posts: 256
    So, basically he wants an OP starting race without the penalty of having race levels?

    And thus died imagination and fantasy. Crushed by min-maxing stats.
  • MERLANCEMERLANCE Member Posts: 421
    Well Viconia is a drow and doesn't get any penalties aside from her low stats. Gets Magic Resistance though.
  • seawiedseawied Member Posts: 24
    Subraces were never a part of Baldur's Gate, and I would be very disappointed if they ever were. Not to mention, if they allow Drows as playable characters, they would have to SIGNIFICANTLY change the storyline.
  • MERLANCEMERLANCE Member Posts: 421
    I don't see why. It would alter a few dialogues, like meeting Viconia in both BG1 and BG2, meeting Drizzt maybe, meeting the deep gnomes and duergar and possibly Adalon in BG2. Elhan would probably Geas you in BG2. Oh, and you might start with a reputation two lower regardless of your alignment.
    I coulda sworn it was a feature of BG2 to have sub-races, not that i ever tried one, but I read everything then go my plain boring half-elf...If it wasn't BG2 then it had to be one of the other forgotten realms games.
  • RiolathelRiolathel Member Posts: 330
    if you want subraces IWD2 has a good selection
  • RedGuardRedGuard Member Posts: 672
    seawied said:

    Subraces were never a part of Baldur's Gate, and I would be very disappointed if they ever were. Not to mention, if they allow Drows as playable characters, they would have to SIGNIFICANTLY change the storyline.

    How? Other than incidental conversations with the odd NPC here or there, I don't see how you need to make any changes to the actual story itself.
  • seawiedseawied Member Posts: 24
    First off, you would be one of an astronomically small number of Drow in the region, with no explaination of how you entered Candlekeep. It would affect when you go to the Undercity in BG2, it would affect how people should interact with a Dark Elf in all of the cities. It wouldn't fit in with the lore well.
  • RedGuardRedGuard Member Posts: 672
    edited December 2012
    Like I said, outside of incidental conversations, how does that affect the story? All those are "oh, you're a Drow" conversations. None of them really affect the story. You could get away with giving the player a lower starting reputation and merchants and other NPC's treating you accordingly (at least to begin with).

    Candlekeep doesn't really need to explain it in great depth because it's the same if you're human, elf, half-orc or dwarf. It's the same origin, Gorion saves you from your Bhaal priestess mother and raises you himself.

    Underdark doesn't exactly need much of any change since unlike Viconia, you have never set foot in the underdark or any Drow society. You're as much a stranger there as any other race you can choose. I'm not sure quite what you think needs changed since you're in disguise pretending to be a separate group of Drow so you can complete your mission without the entire city trying to kill you for being an outsider.
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