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Characters question in Game

XzerostuXzerostu Member Posts: 5
edited January 2013 in Not An Issue
Me and my bro are playing a tcp-ip game 3 characters each. but i notice we dont have the same amount of experience. Is there a reason for this? Weve done everything and all things together. Im confused is all, can someone help?
Post edited by Jalily on


  • RiolathelRiolathel Member Posts: 330
    how big is the difference?
  • XzerostuXzerostu Member Posts: 5
    Mostly less than 100 but on one character he was near 200 lower
  • DiscoCatDiscoCat Member Posts: 73
    I think the remainder of the xp division is given to the character who dealt the killing blow. If that's the case then you should see the characters with the least number of kills lagging a bit in xp. No big deal, it shouldn't be a big difference.
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    DiscoCat said:

    I think the remainder of the xp division is given to the character who dealt the killing blow. If that's the case then you should see the characters with the least number of kills lagging a bit in xp. No big deal, it shouldn't be a big difference.

    I'm not sure if it's different in multiplayer, but in single player xp remainders trickle down based on party position. So in general the party leader will get the most, the guy in the next slot will get a little less, etc. But yeah it's pretty minor.
  • XzerostuXzerostu Member Posts: 5
    I appreciate the help guys. I have a new question now o.o I noticed that none of my cutscene videos fit my screen. there is always a black outline to all of them. Why is this?
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