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Dropping Gold

IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 877
edited December 2012 in Archive (Feature Requests)
If I remember correctly, you can't drop gold in Baldur's Gate. What's everyone's take on that? Personally, I wish it can be done. It gives some room for roleplaying. For example, you feel like being generous and you would like to give money to a poor commoner, so you leave a hundred gold to their cabinet. Or you don't want to carry around loads of gold every time and would just like to leave it in the "vault" of your stronghold, where most of your most loyal companions can stay and keep their eyes on them. Most importantly, it's useful when you have wild mage around...instead of being always forced to risk most of your hard-earned gold; and you're almost helpless against it. It's a trivial issue, I know. But can I hear your thoughts regarding this?
Post edited by Illustair on


  • gunmangunman Member Posts: 215
    Donate to a temple any amount you want
  • MERLANCEMERLANCE Member Posts: 421
    If they had a Hardcore mode and gave gold weight, I guess it would be feasible. The only practical use for leaving your gold somewhere would be so that Neera wouldn't destroy 80% of it. Oh, and to keep that halfling in The Burning Wizard in Beregost from stealing it.
  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 877
    Yes, and that also. Wild mages would waste all your hard-earned gold. Seems impractical to bring around all your gold knowing that you have a wild mage with you. Why not stash it somewhere like I assume most of us do with items? Is it really not feasible? I don't know how it works from the inside but you can easily add or subtract gold (e.g. donating, picking up, selling, buying), and there's an object for gold coins (before you pick them up)...shouldn't that be all the recipes one might need?
  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831
    Don't think I have ever bothered to leave an item sitting in a crate...
  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 877
    That could be another way of putting it. But I prefer storing it in a chest. To be honest though, I'm a bit surprised
  • MERLANCEMERLANCE Member Posts: 421
    I keep everything I can't sell but don't need anymore (quest items mainly) in a crate usually. Friendly Arm Inn in BG1 and Watcher's Keep in BG2 (though before ToB I kept it in the Adventurers Mart),

    The thing about gold is when you click on it in your inventory or in a chest, it goes right to the gold that you have stored. The logistics of taking it out of that or drag dropping it in to it is honestly something I never considered, and I doubt looking in any of the modding tools would give me insight into what it would take. This would have to be answered by either a career modder or a dev, I think. Use the @ to summon some of them if you are inclined to do so.
  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 877
    Thanks for the input. Would you happen to know who are some of the expert modders I can call in for that?
  • MERLANCEMERLANCE Member Posts: 421
    I Would probably try Avenger_teambg or Camdawg as both have, ahem, a passing knowledge of the game ;)

    But I won't be the one to summon them, no sir, I won't call down the wrath of the gods lightly.
  • MikkelMikkel Member Posts: 86
    fredamora said:

    Thanks for the input. Would you happen to know who are some of the expert modders I can call in for that?

    It's certainly not me, however I've done a little bit of modding BG (years and years ago), and functions for adding and giving gold to the party could be added to a dialog relatively easily, for example via a banker or treasurer NPC.

    Of course, that's not quite what you're after, but I'll just throw it out there.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    If you have a wild mage in your party, this would be very useful, as a bad wild surge can lose you alot of gold!
  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 877
    edited December 2012
    Thanks everyone. I therefore summon thee - @Avenger_teambg (sorry to be bothering you good sir, I would just like to know if this is possible.) **Gulp**, I wouldn't get banned, now would I?
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    lunar said:

    To avoid losing a lot of gold to a wild surge, in late BG2-ToB one option was to have all of your gold exchanged for valuable gems and keep them safe. Like, use nearly all of your gold to buy those king's tears, rogue stones, laeral's necklaces etc. and keep them safe in a gem bag. This way you could sell them for a hefty price when you needed gold. You lose some gold in the buy/sell process, but are totally safe from %80 gold gone wild surge. Useful in minimal or no-reload games.

    @lunar - good tip, thanks! Also I guess not to *sell* any of the gems you find until you really need to make a big purchase. This is more possible than before because of the gem bag in the game (and/or you could store the gems in a crate somewhere)
  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 877
    Thank you for the suggestion. Now that there's Neera, I might just do that. But still I hope for a "drop gold" feature.
  • KomarrKomarr Member Posts: 80
    The thing that I don't like is the game is forcing me to roleplay romancing/marrying Neera. If I wanted her to take all my hard-earned money, then I'd romance her, but the game isn't giving me a choice.

    *Subtitled for sarcasm impaired: the above is sarcasm*

    Tho I do like it when she drops cows on people :)
  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 877
    Please excuse me, if I misunderstand your post (I always try to get away with my frequent excuse "English isn't my native language"). Yup the game doesn't force us to have Neera, but the game forces us to be in a such a dilemma - that is, to not want to have a wild mage around because you'd risk wasting a huge portion of your gold. The problem is that you're totally helpless about it. It's either (a) have her and risk your money, or (b) not have her...why not (c) safely stash your money and have her?
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Nukenin said:

    First they drop electrum, then BG1 mysteriously left out copper, silver, and platinum, and now you want to drop gold as well? Do we have to do all our bartering with halberds now? This is madness!

    Yes, I read the thread.

    Oh how you jest sir! :-)
  • KomarrKomarr Member Posts: 80
    @fredamora please let me clarify. I was joking about being "forced" to romance Neera. It was a joke equating her gold dropping wild surge to a real life wife or girl friend spending all your money.
  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 877
    I apologize. Obviously I haven't fully broken down the language barrier.hehe now that's clear...that's actually pretty funny and relatable.haha
    Nukenin said:

    First they drop electrum, then BG1 mysteriously left out copper, silver, and platinum, and now you want to drop gold as well? Do we have to do all our bartering with halberds now? This is madness!

    Yes, I read the thread.

    Bartering can really be advantageous at times, you know.;p Nowadays, currency is unstable; esp with the *spoilers* Iron Throne in control.

    On a serious note, "drop" gold! :))
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    @Nukenin You could always do your bartering at the point of a halberd and walk away much richer! Extortion and menaces only really works for evil alignments though...
  • NukeninNukenin Member Posts: 327
    @Corvino The problem with bartering at halberd point is that they are perhaps too easily brushed aside and advanced past. Then the other party has a dagger slicing through your belt and the pants are coming down.

    Not the best bargaining position. :/
  • LuthoreLuthore Member Posts: 43
    I think the problem with gold as an inventory item is that once you click it, it goes to the gold storage and you can't drop it. I've even spawned in the item "gold" into my inventory, but when i clicked it to move it, it added to my total. I think the only feasible way to store/retrieve gold would be to use some form of banker NPC mod. Something like setting a bank teller NPC in various inns who can then store/retrieve gold for you, regardless of what city youre in. As for dropping money for the poor, you could buy them gems and jewelery and just leave that with them. Sometimes I also just give them second hand magic items i no longer use.
  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 877
    @Luthore aah so it can be spawned to your inventory. How about if you click your total gold a slider would appear and when done, the gold will drop (spawn) either to the ground or to a storage (if you you opened one)?
  • LuthoreLuthore Member Posts: 43
    I'm not a modder. The best I've seen is something to the effect of an item you would talk to like a familiar and it would do things like that for you.
  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 877
    edited December 2012
    Now that I realized it, can I kindly request that this thread be moved to Request Feature subforum. Hmm..who are the moderators that I can call to ask for help?

    EDIT: aah, there you go... @Aosaw please?
    Post edited by Illustair on
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    I was actually just about to do exactly that. :)
  • SirK8SirK8 Member Posts: 527
    Note: I've never done any modding

    Could you add an item that sells for as much as you buy it? Then have it available in different denominations? Maybe even make them stackable gems. Then you could have certain merchants buy/sell these items, or add NPC bankers. Maybe buy/sell prices can't be set like that. I don't know.

    Other than a mod, I would like to see this as an actual feature in the game. I would even pay for it as DLC.
    MERLANCE said:

    I keep everything I can't sell but don't need anymore (quest items mainly) in a crate usually. Friendly Arm Inn in BG1 and Watcher's Keep in BG2 (though before ToB I kept it in the Adventurers Mart)

    I always use the big room in the Jovial Juggler. I consider it kind of on lease from the owner, and I make sure I only rest in that inn while in Beregost and always pay the highest rate :) In BG2, I used - I can't remember the name of the inn, but it was the one where you can fight some people upstairs. I killed them and took over their room.

  • TomeTome Member Posts: 466
    I support the idea of having special items that always retain value when buying or sellng-perhaps bars of different valuable materials? This would be especially useful with Neera in the party! :P
  • ArturArtur Member Posts: 35
    If you could drop your gold it would just be abused to get around paying fines whenever you steal, so no, not a good idea at all.
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