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No magic?

CommunardCommunard Member Posts: 556
Anyone completed the game with no casters whatsoever in your party? As in, no spells at all, not even Rangers? Is it even possible? I was thinking of attempting it since I generally play casters and it has become a little stale for me, should I try it or would it just be foolhardy? I think a Wizard Slayer CHARNAME (with a rebalancing mod of some kind) would justify it RP-wise, but I have no clue how to play one effectively. Thoughts?


  • DMZDMZ Member Posts: 39
    It's very much possible, even more so with the use of abilities. I assume wands also fall under magic, so I'll leave those out. Potions will be your best friends, along with early scouting of good magical weapons (which can be bought earlier, since you get a lot of extra gold selling magic). It's very much possibly if you know the game.
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    It's been done, there's a fighter-only let's play you can find on Youtube. though I don't remember if they use ranger and their spells, but Keldorn and his innates while wielding Carsomyr makes it a lot easier.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    I'm sure it's very possible if you don't care how many times you have to reload until you get lucky dice rolls. What would impress me would be a no-reload done with no magic. I think I'll ask the no-reloaders on the Bioware board if it's been done.
  • ElectricMonkElectricMonk Member Posts: 599
    I think it's definitely possible with a lot of reloads as most people play. As far as no reloads, seems like it would be difficult, although Keldorn as well as the Protagonist being a Wizard Slayer or Inquisitor would sure help with this sort of playthrough. I might have to try this out, seems like a fun challenge. I usually play with limited reloads, I only rest at inns and only save at inns... of course if I ever had to reload from the same point more than one or two times I'd just restart the game, it's definitely enough of a challenge for me, especially with the enemy AI enhancement mods I use. Will probably try no reloads whatsoever eventually.
  • WinthalWinthal Member Posts: 366
    "Magic is impressive... but now Minsc leads! Swords for everyone!!!"

    How about a no casters / no magic items play through with a wizard slayer main? And you gotta RP your slayer to go after any caster you see, bar maybe elminster :P (I realize you'd have to run past enemies with immunity to non-magical weapons but that's part of the challenge)
  • ElectricMonkElectricMonk Member Posts: 599
    How about a no casters / no magic items play through with a wizard slayer main? And you gotta RP your slayer to go after any caster you see, bar maybe elminster
    Now that would be a real challenge, but would certainly be fun to try.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    I asked about this over on the Bioware forums and got a reply from Grond0, a no-reload expert who has finished dozens of no-reload runs both in parties and in solo.

    He says it has been done and is even easy with a party of "shorty" berserkers. He also says that several no-reload runs have been completed using solo melee characters. They did not need scrolls or wands, but they did have to manage an inventory of magic items that grant immunities.
  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    I used to play all magic parties. Lots of fire works.
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    Aye, a few years ago I had a game with a Wild Mage, Kelsey the Sorcerer Mod, Aerie, Imoen, Viconia and Anomen. I very much enjoyed the the raw power that group could throw out over any Melee oriented party.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited July 2012
    If anybody's still interested, Grond0 over at the Bioware boards just started a no-reload attempt with a party of six berserkers. You can read about it here: [url][/url]

    The post where he starts the run is at the bottom of this page of posts. Sorry, my attempt to link the exact post position on the page didn't work.
  • AliteriAliteri Member Posts: 308
    I wouldn't be able to stomach it... Magic is my main interest in RPGs ^^.

    Though I suppose Baldur's Gate the first would actually be easier without dedicated spellcasters. At such low levels, the balanced seemed skewed towards the uneducated and it isn't like magic isn't seemingly required to burst spell protections and ward thyself from death, like in Shadows of Amn.
  • sepottersepotter Member Posts: 367
    It seems like using no spell casters would result in a LOT of money spent on potions.
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