Is there anything like the Claw of Kazgorath in BG2?

Hi - I was wondering whether it's worth trying to go with Con > 16 on non-fighter, non-dwarf/halfling/gnome (as they get an extra -1 save at 18 Con) player characters in the long run, or whether the points are better used elsewhere? Specifically, in BG1/BGEE there is the Claw of Kazgorath that gives AC and Saving Throw buffs (apart from a malus to the Death save), at the expense of -2 Con. Is there anything similar in BG2 or any other reason for a non-fighter non-shorty to need 18 Con in BG2? If not, and it's only BG1/BGEE where there is any help, I might use the points elsewhere on character creation instead.
The claw I found was best for Aerie or better yet, Haer-Dalis.
And no, theres not "A lot" of AC raising helms. Theres a few. Most helms give things like elemental resistance or charm immunity. Two Ioun stones, the helm of Balduran, The Helm of Glory, and Vhailor's helm.
You can increase all your stats by +1 in Watchers keep too, and the Deck of Many things would give a bard +1 dex as well. At the end of the game, You can either gain +2 to strength (and permanently change your alignment to evil) or +1 wisdom and charisma too. Also at one point you have to permanently lower one of your stats by one point, and at another you either lose a point of dex or permanently become evil.