[mod] giving NPCs classkits [tool version: alpha 6 | MOD version: 1.7]

hey guys i want to give some of the NPCs in the game a classkits, but im not familiar with all of the NPCs. So are there any suggestions/wishes?
just to say that, for the moment i will not give them a kit which comes throught an other mod (it would be to difficult to check if a spezial mod is installed or not)
So it would be great if you all can seperate this wishes from the regular one
-the version "alpha 6" of the tool is out
-the version 1.7 of the mods is out
- all mods come at level 1 whith different xp
- all NPCs have a 0 xp mod
- all NPCs have a Default Class mod (NPC at default class on Level 1 whith differnt xp)
- Notes for using
for your own safety, save the game before you enter the area where the joinable NPC is waiting (a house is a sepperate area)
if you found an NPC, please make a short check of Level/HP/Spells and skills
the "meet NPC whith 0 Exp" mod will also work if "NO MODDING" is selected
If you found a failure in the mods itself, please tell me which mod is installed, which Level the NPC has and where the failure is.
The tool itself isnt finished yet:
-Mac support will be added
-fast NPC mod creation function will be added
-the beta version of the tool, will make the NPCs Mods compatible with other Mods
- Current available mods:
->Paladin: Cavalier
->Paladin: Inquisitor
->thief: Swashbuckler
->thief: bounty hunter
->thief: bounty hunter
Dynahir(Mage: Invoker):
->Sourcerer: Dragon Discipline
->bard: blade
->bard: Skald
->druid: Avanger
->druid: Totemic Druid
->bard: jester
Imoen(Thief)->all thief classcits
->fighter: bererker
->fighter: wizard slayer
->fighter: Dwarfen Defender
->fighter: wizzard slayer
->Ranger: Archer
->ranger: beastmaster
->fighter: berserker
->thief: assassin
->fighter/thief: assassin
Neera(Mage: Wild Mage)
->Sourcerer: Dragon Discipline
->Monk: Sun Soul Monk
->Thief: Swashbuckler
->thief: bounty hunter
->thief: Assassin
->fighter: kensai
->fighter: Wizard Slayer
->fighter: berserker
->Multiclass: Fighter/Cleric
just to say that, for the moment i will not give them a kit which comes throught an other mod (it would be to difficult to check if a spezial mod is installed or not)
So it would be great if you all can seperate this wishes from the regular one
-the version "alpha 6" of the tool is out
-the version 1.7 of the mods is out
- all mods come at level 1 whith different xp
- all NPCs have a 0 xp mod
- all NPCs have a Default Class mod (NPC at default class on Level 1 whith differnt xp)
- Notes for using
for your own safety, save the game before you enter the area where the joinable NPC is waiting (a house is a sepperate area)
if you found an NPC, please make a short check of Level/HP/Spells and skills
the "meet NPC whith 0 Exp" mod will also work if "NO MODDING" is selected
If you found a failure in the mods itself, please tell me which mod is installed, which Level the NPC has and where the failure is.
The tool itself isnt finished yet:
-Mac support will be added
-fast NPC mod creation function will be added
-the beta version of the tool, will make the NPCs Mods compatible with other Mods
- Current available mods:
->Paladin: Cavalier
->Paladin: Inquisitor
->thief: Swashbuckler
->thief: bounty hunter
->thief: bounty hunter
Dynahir(Mage: Invoker):
->Sourcerer: Dragon Discipline
->bard: blade
->bard: Skald
->druid: Avanger
->druid: Totemic Druid
->bard: jester
Imoen(Thief)->all thief classcits
->fighter: bererker
->fighter: wizard slayer
->fighter: Dwarfen Defender
->fighter: wizzard slayer
->Ranger: Archer
->ranger: beastmaster
->fighter: berserker
->thief: assassin
->fighter/thief: assassin
Neera(Mage: Wild Mage)
->Sourcerer: Dragon Discipline
->Monk: Sun Soul Monk
->Thief: Swashbuckler
->thief: bounty hunter
->thief: Assassin
->fighter: kensai
->fighter: Wizard Slayer
->fighter: berserker
->Multiclass: Fighter/Cleric
Post edited by tommy on
Faldorn - Avenger
Kivan - Archer
Safana - Bounty Hunter
Garrick - Jester (Listen to his so-called ballad in BG2!)
Eldoth - Blade
Alora - Swashbuckler or Bounty Hunter?
Shar-Teel - Kensai? (She did want one-on-one melee before joining the party... and those watching Anime would understand the formula that scanty clothes = better AC)
Kagain - Berserker? (He's lawful evil though...) Wizard Slayer?
Skie - Swashbuckler?
Minsc - Beastmaster? He sure loves his hamster...
Branwen - Battleguards, a specialty priest of Tempus ( (http://www.nj-pbem.com/data/Gods/humangods/Tempus.htm)
Requirements: Strength 14, Wisdom 12
Alignments: Chaotic (CG, CN, CE)
- Berserker rage once a day
- Extra 1/2 attack at 7th level and again at 13th level
- Can reach specialization in any melee weapons and styles
- Receive constitution bonus for HP as if she was the warrior of the same level
- cannot use missile weapons
- must be of chaotic alignment
Kagain should be a plain fighter because he is best at soaking up damage. Skie would be a regular thief. Minsc is obviously a barbarian/beserker. Khalid (not listed) would be a better choice for wizard slayer.
Skie is a spoiled kid, she would never be a swashbuckler etc.
Shar-Teel loves bloodshed and most likely has been trained in warfare from her father, making her a fighter or berserker.
Alora is a burglar/regular thief, so no bounty hunter and not a swashbuckler
Kagain fights for profit, and lacks the general attitude of a bloodthirsty maniac, so I'd stick with fighter.
Ajantis as a cavalier would be fine, even though he is just a squire from the order of the radiant heart.
Faldorn being a shadow druid would fit the avenger theme.
Can't tell anything about Safana, even though it is mentioned that she escaped from home with a pirate, where she might have learned to fight.
Kivan could stay a ranger, just because he is an elf doesn't mean he must be an archer.
Kivan - Archer, definitely
Dynaheir - should be a Sorceress (she is a Rashemani sorceress after all)
Safana - Bounty Hunter
Garrick - Jester yep !
Eldoth - Blade or just thief... not sure about him
Alora - just plain thief
Shar teel - Fighter
Kagain - Fighter (although there was a mod at one time that added a kit for dwarf fighter ^^)
Skie - Thief
Minsc - BERSERKER (never understood why Bioware made him a ranger...)
Branwen - Battlepriest of tempus (the kit exists in Divine Remix but no yet compatible)
Viconia - Nightcloak of Shar (the kit exists in Divine Remix but no yet compatible)
Yeslick - Priest of Clangedin (do not exist, so I'll make him a plain cleric rather than fighter / cleric)
Khalid - fighter / wizard (he's an elf !)
Montaron - Assassin
Coran - Bounty Hunter
Ajantis - Cavalier
So it would be great if you all can seperate this wishes from the regular one
Edit: i have add the current wishlist to the starting post
It might be considered cheating, but it is definitely doable to add a kit to multi-class characters... Like Coran as a Fighter/Bounty Hunter and Montaron as a Fighter/Assassin.
That means:
-only humans can to that
-a kit can only be the first class (so the non kit class will be the current class)
edit: i have included Montaron as a Fighter/Assassin
That's better idea I think
Everyone has individual view about each NPC
or no i think i missunderstand a little bit. Give the user acces to ALL classes has some problems, because some skills need do be changend manuell (HP, weapon professions, spells and skills) and that isnt that easy
Status update:
the installer is mostly finished and can handle an nearly unlited number of character mods. When i have the time i will start in the evening with the classchaging mods.
here is a little screenshot to get a feeling for the tool
Faldorn: Avenger
Khalid: Fighter/Mage
Garrick: Jester
Eldoth: Skald
Montaron: Fighter/Assassin
Alora: Burglar (A kit provided by a kitpack. I forget which)
Shar-teel: Wizard Slayer or Berserker
Kivan: Archer or Stalker
Skie: Swashbuckler
Safana: Bounty Hunter or Assassin
Branwn/Viconia/Tiax - Divine Remixes priest kits for Tempus, Shar and Cyric. Tiax would still maintain his thief class.
The most important thing IMHO is to avoid kit overlap... this include overlap with those in BG2. Sure Shar-teel COULD be a Berserker, but we already used Korgan for that. Let's give Wizard Slayer a try!
By the way your tool looks promising !
for your own safety, save the game before the NPC joins you the first time
if you found an NPC, please make a short check of Level/HP/Spells/skills and safety throws
the "meeting NPC at Level 1" mod will also work if "NO MODDING" is selected
If you found a failure in the mods itself, please tell me which mod is installed, which Level the NPC has and where the failure is.
The tool itself isnt finished yet:
-not all information are displayed in the list
-mod descriptions will be added
-Mac support will be added
-and some smaller changes have to be done
Edit: currently i have detect a problem with the portrait changing: the .bmp Format i use wasnt supported by BG:EE (i have opend a bugreport for this, so hopefully it gets fixed soon)
Dynaheir->Sourcerer kit
Khalid->both kits
Minsc->Berserker kit
Edit: i am currently rewriting all Spellcasting mods
Khalids - Fighter/Mage MOD fixed (no spells)
Dynahirs - Sourcerer MOD fixed (no spells)
Minsc - Berserker MOD fixed (no class change)
@all whould you like to get NPCs always at Level 1 only with different exp Points, so that you can Level Up them by yourself?
So yeah, Level 1 NPC's with their exp value similar to CHARNAMES upon joining
Edited: Clarity.