What's your favourite D&D setting?

As you can see from the poll, there are plenty, and all of them are most certainly a lot of fun, because D&D with friends around your table is always fun. But you can only have one real favorite, the one that's got its place in your heart as the best D&D setting of them all. You can like the others too, but they can't quite hold the candle, for a reason or another: make sure to tell us why you like what you like.
- What's your favourite D&D setting?184 votes
- Greyhawk  4.35%
- Forgotten Realms (Al-Qadim, Kara-Tur, and Maztica count here)55.43%
- Dragonlance  7.07%
- Planescape14.13%
- Spelljammer  1.63%
- Ravenloft  4.35%
- Dark Sun  5.43%
- Birthright  0.00%
- Eberron  4.89%
- Something else - I could only put ten options to the poll, I didn't actually forget the other stuff. Honest!  2.72%
Lately I've also started to rediscover Dragonlance, which was the other thing I read about as a kid, but since I can only pick one option on the poll, it doesn't count. (My second answer would've still been Planescape, anyway.)
Although planescape would be my second choice because it's so cool seeing all the crazy crap
As punishment I decree that all votes for the Forgotten Realms also be counted for Greyhawk, thus making Greyhawk the (current) winner.
[Venn Fairweather] We are victorious!
*cut to a shot of the Circle of Eight as they jump into the air, exchanging high-fives and such, freezing mid-scene; cue credits and closing theme*
My second vote would go to Dark Sun. It's a much better post-apocalyptic setting than Fallout ever will imho. And the Halfling cannibals there are just too cute to resist.
Forgotten Realms (Faerun) ain't bad, but truth be told I grew somewhat tired of it. cRPG's used FR over and over again to no end, leaving all the other campaign settings in the dust.
honourable mention to Dragonlance due to the novels written by Weis and Hickman.
Eberron is almost Mage-Punk in style, a very interesting new take on the genre. Plus Changeling is my favourite race despite being terribly suboptimal.
But I did choose the Forgotten Realms for the poll. Going back to the original Pool of Radiance it's been used for all my favorite computer games. And I have A LOT of good memories of many excellent games.
Second choice would be Eberron, because of its political intrigue game, you have many organizations, religions and even dragons, plotting against each other and, if you read any of the novels, like the Dreaming Dark Series, Thorn of Breland Series, Legacy of Dhakaan Series and the Dragon Below Series, you will see those organizations fighting each other, many times behind the curtains and even sometimes you have a character connected to more than one organization.
As you can see, my reasons are mostly santimental. I cannot simply forget how Me(CHARNAME) and Minsc were battling/butt-kicking spiders in the Graveyard District in Athkatla, or how Aerie stood beside me in Hell itself despite her gentle spirit, or how Valygar used to say "I'm still here" when times were growing darker and darker, or how Gorion gave his life to protect me, knowing what I might have become... I simply cannot forget these memories.
Forgotten Realms forever!
Planescape is exciting, full of atmosphere and philosophical themes. I think it also might be the best D&D setting for campaigns that rely little on actual fighting.
I detest Planescape. I understand the genius behind the idea, and the implementation is brilliant and well-done, but I just...dislike it. It is like TRHPS version of D&D, with elements of S&M mixed in - whatever. Very polarizing IMHO - either you love it or you hate it. Like The Rocky Horror Picture Show, only an RPG setting. Let's do the Planescape again! Ermmm...no. BTW - I do like TRHPS. Just not as an RPG setting.
I really like Darksun. I probably like it more than the FR, really, just...it got sooo abandoned. A great idea, a great setting, poorly utilized.
That said, I have never played in a PnP Forgotten Realms game, and I would still very much like to. Greyhawk too perhaps, but I would really like to play just ONE FR game apart from the norm.
Rant aside, I like Planescape because it's a cool mix of anything goes and strict guidelines. Also, it's just fun to read the game books.
Usually I play games with an original (I use that lightly) universe. It really makes it easier as a DM when you can just make up the macguffin's name and not get called out on it.