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THAC0 Window Showing Redundant Data for Halflings + Other Confusing THAC0 for SLINGS Bonuses

bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
edited December 2012 in BG:EE Bugs (v1.2)
[Current Behavior] THAC0 window is showing redundant data for halflings as well as displaying Sling (bullet) to hit bonus in a manner which may be confused as Slings are gaining STR bonus to hit (which they do not in BG:EE).

[Expected Behavior/Solution] Remove the generic "to hit" bonus description from THAC0 (or in this case Bullet to hit) and replace it with a simpler + 'DEX' ( or + 'STR' bonus where applicable), as well as item, magical, or racial bonuses. - See Fixed Image #4 -

1. I just made a human fighter with 17 STR and 17 DEX with 1 point proficiency in Sling (for no penalties). They receive the -2 DEX bonus to THAC0 and +1 STR bonus to DMG on the bullet. Everything is calculated correctly but Bullet to hit bonus may be confused as you are gaining a STR bonus to hit.

Img 1.

2. I made a halfling fighter with no DEX or STR bonuses with 1 point proficiency in Sling. The THAC0 window is confusing as it shows to hit as -1 but also the halfling -1 bonus. The -1 to hit and -1 halfling data is redundant and can be confusing making it appear you should have a -2 bonus (19 THAC0 is correct).

Img 2.

3. I made a halfling fighter with +2 DEX bonus to THAC0 and +1 STR bonus to damage with 1 point proficiency in Sling. Again there is an issue with how THAC0 is displayed with redundant data. To hit is -3 (-2 DEX -1 halfling) which is right, but it shows -1 halfling again, which is redundant. This makes it look like you should have 16 THAC0 if you add them up. 17 THAC0 is correct.

Img 3.

4. This is what the window could look like to fix the issue.

Img 4.

THAC0 and DMG are being calculated correctly it's just not displayed correctly in the new window.
Post edited by bigdogchris on


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  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    edited December 2012
    The other one deals with problems with THAC0 screen showing -3 instead of +3 I think. It's similar to mine as they both show issues with THAC0 window but for different reasons. Mine is an issue with redundancy of data.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    edited December 2012
    Updated report with a suggestion for a solution.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    The redundant data also affects Elf bonus, seen here.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    This is imho a broader issue with the new and more informative inventory/character record: The information provided is messy in order and wording, thus resulting less intuitive than it could be. I had already mentioned this in the past; looks like it's worth trying again.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    Thank you for giving this some attention.
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