When do I dual-class my swashbuckler/mage?

I've been looking around for the answer to this, as I'm not 100% sure how dual-classing affects the level cap. Since I have not seen the answer, I thought I would post this here.
In addition, what is everyone's favorite dual class in BG1?
In addition, what is everyone's favorite dual class in BG1?
XP tables are here :
You know that when Bg1 only existed, people had great times in dual classing ;-)
I guess Bg:EE has to be seen as well as an individual game, until BG2EE is released.
It's sad to do not want to dual class only because "oh my god I'll have to create another character for BG2EE".
Still, you can keep your level 1 character, CLUA him with the books and bring him to BG2EE where he will gain his level to BG2EE beginning.
The only thing he will loose is the fact he might have killed drizzt or not.
If this is primarily a BG1 character, you can go as far as swashie level 6 before dualing to get to mage level 9 by the end of the game. You can successfully dual at level 7, but you'd miss out on level 5 mage spells, so it likely wouldn't be worth it.
Do you know that Imoen in BG1 is stronger as a Thief/mage than a straight thief or mage ? ;-)
Do you think that when BG1 was out people said "oh my god I will not be able to dual until BG2"
Enjoy the game with the dualed class, you'll have time to play BG2:EE later...
My guess it won't be out before 2014...
So, will you *never* try to dual class and enjoy it ?
Then play only with a fighter kit, because in BG2 you'll be able to dual it.
A bit repetitive IMHO ;-)
EDIT : I'd rather play with a fighter 6 / Cleric 8 (or 7/7) than a straight cleric.
I perfectly know it won't be as efficient in BG2, but in (durant ALL) BG1, I'll gain great advantages of the greater HP pool, weapon proficiencies, strength above 18 and so on.