Nietzsche returns!

Oh happy day 
From Trent's twitter:
"The new build changelog is huge. We've fixed a ton of issues and added cool new features such as a few new rest movies. Nietzsche returns "
Edit: Also looking forward to the new rest movies
Always found it strange to cook up a fire in a inn.

From Trent's twitter:
"The new build changelog is huge. We've fixed a ton of issues and added cool new features such as a few new rest movies. Nietzsche returns "
Edit: Also looking forward to the new rest movies

Anyone else notice the hack job done to the Friendly Arm Inn music during that cutscene? In mine it abruptly cuts and goes to the end of the song but it's not a smooth cut, totally noticeable.
"Anyone who has declared someone else to be an idiot, a bad apple, is annoyed when it turns out in the end that he isn't. " -- Friedrich Nietzsche
Also, I checked the Bandit Camp movie again. Is it just me or is this one clearly unfinished? The blade by the Gnoll's side doesn't seem to be attached to anything and just suspended in mid-air. Was this movie meant to be more animated than just the fire?
The Nietzsche quote really needed to be set to interpretive dance, however.
Yes, I realize there's a subset of our playerbase who are now closing their eyes and leaning back in their chairs and beaming the widest smiles with the most contented sighs.
Your average commoner can't possibly read that fast
I did notice though that the original credits movie remains the same which seems fishy. I had heard the reason why they re did (I was going to say Enhanced but I'd be lying) the movies was because, for some reason, they wouldn't work with the new BG:EE changes. Why does this one movie, the credits which is done in the same style as the other movies, still work then? Conspiracy? Clearly.
I'd elaborate more on my theory but I'm under contract limitations.
I may sound like a little whiner, but:
1. Nietsche quote should be centered on the screen. Now it's on upper side of screen.
2. That text should be slightly smaller, at least on PC version.
3. I don't like how they put "There are others(...)" line in the intro. You can hear that it's slapped there without effort, and it is cut in the middle. So it made the intro worse, instead of better.
2. I don't mind the size of the text. Definitely agree. I know the quote and didn't get through it the first time it came up before it had faded away.
As for the old line spoken by the scared guy being added back in... works for me. Yeah it's pretty obvious it's just mashed in there, but with the pacing of the scene they'd have to re-do the entire thing for it to fit perfectly. And really, I think it works; he sounds really panicky uttering it that fast.