As far as I know, there is no way to make a character appear to not be wearing a helmet while actually wearing one.
It might be possible to edit one of those stone "helmets" that have no appearance to provide protection from critical hits, but I wouldn't know how to do that.
Do ppl with postings >1k get a feat that boosts their ignorance, though Laharl just does reflect it perfectly ...
Anyway, check the topics (edit:sticky) of the gen forum how to get mods working..use BG2-tweaks (should be v11 currently)..there you can disable helmet animations - or helmets at all, if that's what your looking for.
Do ppl with postings >1k get a feat that boosts their ignorance, though Laharl just does reflect it perfectly ...
Anyway, check the topics (edit:sticky) of the gen forum how to get mods working..use BG2-tweaks (should be v11 currently)..there you can disable helmet animations - or helmets at all, if that's what your looking for.
@valky - Ignorance? Really. OP asked how to remove helmet animations - there are no such animations. Remove the helmet graphic so that it is invisible is another thing.
@valky - Ignorance? Really. OP asked how to remove helmet animations - there are no such animations. Remove the helmet graphic so that it is invisible is another thing.
Words have meanings.
*remove all zig* - words have a meaning! To get an answer, like 'remove your helmet' is as useful as to ask your best friend how to get laid and get something like 'take off your clothes'
And it's still an animation, despite the paperdoll..or are the pc/npcs in your game static? i don't think so Else we'd have been better off playing some very very old-school basic games, where indeed no animation was existent.
I'd strongly consider installing a mod to alter a lot of helmet appearances. All the horned helmets look a bit ridiculous. My main almost always ends up using the helm of glory (or Vhailor's helm in BG2) just to avoid the friggin' horns.
It's a pity really. The Helm of Balduran is the best all-round helm in either game (Saves, THAC0 & AC you say? nice) but it looks so stupid that it's always worn by an NPC.
*Historical note* Horned helms were used likely for ceremonial dress rather than on batlefields. Having a set of horns sticking out made it quite easy for an opponent to knock your helmet off, or twist it to injure your neck. The idea of Vikings wearing horned helmets was popularised centuries after the fact and depending on who you believe was either Christian monks equating Viking raiders with demons by adding horns or by the Operas of Wagner. Only one horned helmet has ever been found in Europe according to this article:
I'd strongly consider installing a mod to alter a lot of helmet appearances. All the horned helmets look a bit ridiculous. My main almost always ends up using the helm of glory (or Vhailor's helm in BG2) just to avoid the friggin' horns.
It's a pity really. The Helm of Balduran is the best all-round helm in either game (Saves, THAC0 & AC you say? nice) but it looks so stupid that it's always worn by an NPC.
*Historical note* Horned helms were used likely for ceremonial dress rather than on batlefields. Having a set of horns sticking out made it quite easy for an opponent to knock your helmet off, or twist it to injure your neck. The idea of Vikings wearing horned helmets was popularised centuries after the fact and depending on who you believe was either Christian monks equating Viking raiders with demons by adding horns or by the Operas of Wagner. Only one horned helmet has ever been found in Europe according to this article:
Yea and show historically how many combatants fought with a single sword (one handed) and no shield. Even abilities like whirlwind are probably not that accurate from a fighting standpoint. So I guess I just don't put as much as a concern into ensuring everything is historically or militarily explainable.
Good thing for you I'm massively geeky about my paperdolls. Use Shadowkeeper to edit your save (I shan't insult your intelligence by finding a guide to getting it to work on EE for you if you don't have it already). Change your character's paperdoll to Thief.
Thief paperdolls not only are the only ones who routinely wear trousers, but they never wear helmets. Meanwhile, slap on some plate and your "thief" paperdoll will look something like so:
Ignore the red circle by the way, just reminding myself to mention that you can actually get four potions of defence from the Silke quest if you chat then terminate in a timely fashion.
It might be possible to edit one of those stone "helmets" that have no appearance to provide protection from critical hits, but I wouldn't know how to do that.
Anyway, check the topics (edit:sticky) of the gen forum how to get mods working..use BG2-tweaks (should be v11 currently)..there you can disable helmet animations - or helmets at all, if that's what your looking for.
Words have meanings.
To get an answer, like 'remove your helmet' is as useful as to ask your best friend how to get laid and get something like 'take off your clothes'
And it's still an animation, despite the paperdoll..or are the pc/npcs in your game static? i don't think so
Else we'd have been better off playing some very very old-school basic games, where indeed no animation was existent.
no offense
It's a pity really. The Helm of Balduran is the best all-round helm in either game (Saves, THAC0 & AC you say? nice) but it looks so stupid that it's always worn by an NPC.
*Historical note* Horned helms were used likely for ceremonial dress rather than on batlefields. Having a set of horns sticking out made it quite easy for an opponent to knock your helmet off, or twist it to injure your neck. The idea of Vikings wearing horned helmets was popularised centuries after the fact and depending on who you believe was either Christian monks equating Viking raiders with demons by adding horns or by the Operas of Wagner. Only one horned helmet has ever been found in Europe according to this article:
The Icewind Dale series does care *a bit* more for realistic appearance of items.
Good thing for you I'm massively geeky about my paperdolls. Use Shadowkeeper to edit your save (I shan't insult your intelligence by finding a guide to getting it to work on EE for you if you don't have it already). Change your character's paperdoll to Thief.
Thief paperdolls not only are the only ones who routinely wear trousers, but they never wear helmets. Meanwhile, slap on some plate and your "thief" paperdoll will look something like so:
Ignore the red circle by the way, just reminding myself to mention that you can actually get four potions of defence from the Silke quest if you chat then terminate in a timely fashion.