Never realized BioWare were planning this far ahead. :O

Just encountered this dude:
I mean that clearly refers to NWN (and SoA). I guess they already knew they were going to make NWN game while still working on BG1.
I mean that clearly refers to NWN (and SoA). I guess they already knew they were going to make NWN game while still working on BG1.
But yes, the game contains a fair amount of NPCs hinting at what is to come.
Actually, @TrentOster can you shed any light on this? Was it originally intended to be this way?
It was really frustrating
they announced it on the gencon 13 years ago to build on on the great success of baldurs gate.
the name "neverwinter nights" was taken from a game from aol out of the year 1992. this was a multiple-online-rpg only available on aol. (who remembers aol nowadays
the idea of a 3d-role-playing-game was taken/given from the aol-game. but the game, interplay/bioware intendet to deliver, has nothing familiar with the old one. only the name.
bioware set the setting in the d&d-world and say, that they would use the mkd 2 engine. they announed, that the game would release late year 2000 and presented on the gencon a playable but early version.
the rest we know
DA2 is just a disgrace