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Durlag's Goblet / Kiel's Helmet interact [bug/exploit]

HeadbombHeadbomb Member Posts: 213
edited January 2013 in Not An Issue
Current behaviour:
If you equip Kiel's Helmet (immune to panic), then drink from Durlag's Goblet (Full Heal + Panic Curse for 12 hours), you get fully heal, don't panic, but get a cursed icon. Which makes Durlag's Goblet a very valuable item (I can currently fully heal 4 party members at will, my PC, Coran, Minsc, and Yeslick), if you have Kiel's Helmet.

Is this the intended behaviour? Because if you're immune to panic, then it pretty much seems like you're immune to this specific curse... I suppose you could remove the helmet, and run into some enemies, then panic, but this is not the current behaviour...

Expected behaviour:
Not really sure, but there's a couple of options that come to mind (although I'm sure there are more)

1a) If Kiel's Helmet is only meant to protect you from the curse while you wear it, then you should panic as soon as you remove Kiel's Helmet / encounter a hostile.
1b) If Kiel's Helmet is meant to protect you from the curse (permanently), then no curse icon should appear.

Regardless of 1a) or 1b), while it's not game breaking to see a full heal for one character without panicking, being able to do so at will seems a tad bit ridiculously overpowered. It seems more reasonable to make it so

2a) Durlag's Goblet can be used once a day only?
2b) Durlag's Goblet has number of charges?
2c) Durlag's Goblet is a one-use item?

Personally, 1a and 2a seem like the best options.

Edit: It does seem like Durlag's Goblet has a certain ammount of charges, because I used this trick several times to heal, and it disappeared. If so, the number of charges should be indicated. If not, well there's another issue with that item them.
Post edited by Jalily on


  • HeadbombHeadbomb Member Posts: 213
    This should be moved to Bugs: BGEE. I created this in general by mistake.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,006
    i thought it only healed 5hp, thats what it did in the original game
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    You can move it yourself. Just hit edit, and change to the appropriate category. Will move the topic.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    sarevok57 said:

    i thought it only healed 5hp, thats what it did in the original game

    Errr ... no. I very distinctively recall playing my vanilla ToTSC less than a month ago encountering the full health heal and all that the OP has mentioned, as well.
  • toanwrathtoanwrath Member Posts: 621
    If it heals full, but causes panic, does that mean Dorn's 14 Constitution no longer matters at all???
    Now he can last long in fights (unlike before), and Kagain with Kie'ls helmet will last FOREVER!!! (not that he needed it, but ~200 effective HP is pretty AWESOME.)
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    edited December 2012
    The goblet has limited charges and appears to be intentionally done so (its code is flawless, albeit truly OP). The Kiel helmet also works as intended. This was also like in bg1. So, nerfing it requires a higher authority. This isn't the same as Algernon's case.

    Also, if you put the item in a quickslot, you see the number of charges.
  • HeadbombHeadbomb Member Posts: 213
    edited December 2012
    Ah, I didn't realize that Durlag's Goblet was quickslotable.

    Then if Kiev's Helmet protects you from the Panic Curse, the curse icon shouldn't be there then no? Otherwise you're just running around with a cursed icon that means nothing for 12 hours.
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    Problem is curses might come from other source, so the cursed icon cannot be disabled.
    I could probably fix this, but i don't think it worths the effort.
  • HogfatherHogfather Member Posts: 27
    edited March 2021
    The goblet has limited charges and appears to be intentionally done so (its code is flawless, albeit truly OP). The Kiel helmet also works as intended. This was also like in bg1. So, nerfing it requires a higher authority.

    Looking at some historical stuff on Ironworks from back in 2004 it looks like the Goblet's curse may have been hardcoded to ignore Fear resistance (such as Kiel's Helm, Berserker etc). It seems like 'back in the day' the panic effect was unavoidable. Even Remove Curse was reported to have had no effect.

    The current EE combination of this Goblet and Kiel's Helmet (or whatever Fear resistance you have) is game breaking, imo. Once acquired, you have 50gp Complete Heals available in a convenient and in-combat transferable 20-stack, recharged per merchant visit without a real downside.

    This cheap cost does rely on merchant recharging, but that is surely considered a game feature rather than an exploit by now. If this item pair is transferable into SoD then I really do think it warrants a second look.
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