Dualing Imeon, but then no thieving skills...

My Imoen just hit level 6. I'm thinking of dualing her into a mage when she hits 7. But if I do this, I won't have access to her skills for a huuuuge chunk of the game. Is it really worth it?
I'd pick up an interim Thief while she is getting her mojo back; I suggest Coran for Good-aligned and Neutral parties, and Safana for the Evil-inclined, or perhaps a dual-classed Shar-Teel. If you have a very solid team with no secondary Thief and you insist on keeping the party as it is, I suggest avoiding areas with traps until Imoen's skills are back--either that, or send in Summoned Monsters, or don't dual-class her at all. (The latter seems like such a waste, though.)
Since then I am exporting/importing rrrrr