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Finished black pits

I finished the black pits, took me most of the day to beat it. Generally I thought it was pretty good, decent variety of battles. It really lets you figure out what spells are useful in battle and what aren't. I thought the last battle and finish was a little underwhelming. It would be awesome to be able to have a full party of 6 to take through BG.


  • DreammirrorDreammirror Member Posts: 6
    I took a Kensai thinking I could power level to 8, and walk out with some great gear, +2 katana, etc for an export to bg1---wrong! lol! I should have known of course, but i got greedy. It was fun stand alone content though, but yeah--don't make my mistake. Enjoy!
  • mantaavoidmantaavoid Member Posts: 6

    I took a Kensai thinking I could power level to 8, and walk out with some great gear, +2 katana, etc for an export to bg1---wrong! ... don't make my mistake. Enjoy!

    Why wrong? I didn't have an issue with stuck rings, either. But that was probably because I exported all my characters in the lull after the last battle. Felt a bit cheap doing that, though. Black Pits was fun :)
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