Backstab question

I'm rolling with a half-orc fighter/thief and I've been switching back and forth between the dagger of venom and the short sword +2. What's overall a better choice for backstabs? Lastly, I believe my fighter/thief will only get a 3x multiplier. How much less backstab damage will he do compared to a level 10 thief or assassin?
Shortsword does 1-6 plus (+2).. Average of 5.5 x modifier
I'd go shortsword if your going to try and chunk somebody on one hit. Dagger of Venom definitely if you are using boots of speed to kite/stalk somebody.
At level 9 you get a x4 backstab modifier. At 8 you have x3.. So +33% damage for getting to the greater modifier.
Your backstab multiplier will be lower than a pure thief, BUT you will have warrior weapon specialisation (+1 to hit, +2 damage, +½ attack/round) and half-orc strength bonus (which is huge if you rolled 19 STR,+3 to hit and +7 to damage!) not to mention excellent fighter THAC0 and extra attacks per round so you will actually be able to hit your opponents very reliably. One might argue this is even better.
On which weapon is better to backstab, shortsword will deal greater damage on impact, but the poison damage of the dagger is very lethal. Locks up spell casting of clerics and mages. Go for the dagger against clerics/mages. BTW, are you specialised (2 proficiency points) in dagger or shortsword? Generally speaking, using the weapon you are most skilled with is better.
Elf Assassin
6.5 damage +1 (assassin bonus to damage) = 7.5 damage x4 (backstab multiplier) = 30 damage + 7 (strength bonus) = 37 damage (on average)
Half-Orc Fighter/Thief
6.5 damage +2 (specialised proficiency bonus to damage) = 8.5 damage x3 (backstab multiplier) = 25.5 damage + 8 (strength bonus) = 33.5 damage.
Not entirely sure when numbers are rounded. I'm assuming its at the end of the process.