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Bug? mage constitution decreasing

trickstricks Member Posts: 6
edited December 2012 in Not An Issue
so pretty much what the title says, right now i am a lvl 5 mage with 12 constitution (i started at 16 constitution) not sure if this is a bug or something that happens to a mage. note i am not wearing ant cursed gear. also when i got to lvl 6 my constitution stayed at 12.
Post edited by Jalily on


  • RhinjavarRhinjavar Member Posts: 23
    edited December 2012
    Have you previously summoned a familiar and then had that familiar die? If so, you will permanently lose one point of CON each time said familiar dies, even if it is resummoned afterward.
  • MERLANCEMERLANCE Member Posts: 421
    Also... did you drink the green Vial of Mysterious something in Nashkel mines? It poisons you and drains con.

    Still probably youve been suiciding familiars. Talk to them and put them in your pack.
  • trickstricks Member Posts: 6
    oh dam i have had a few summoned familiar die on me, and no i have not drank the green vial, thanks for your answers guys.
    is there any way to reverse this or am i stuck with 12 constitution?
  • RhinjavarRhinjavar Member Posts: 23
    There is no revearsal process to which I am aware, sorry. :(
  • MERLANCEMERLANCE Member Posts: 421
    Cheat yourself some con tomes, or use shadowkeeper to reset your stats.
  • trickstricks Member Posts: 6
    sorry not sure what shadowkeeper is. and thanks agian guys
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