Quick save question

I have yet to get the game as I am waiting on the Android release. However I was wondering how quick save works. Does it overwrite the last save of does it make a new one? I was just thinking that on a tablet (Android or iOS) having it make multiple saves would save time menu hunting. Even if it was only the last 5 or so saves. Also means that you QS going into a dungeon only to find you can't win due to not having enough health potions, go back a few saves and buy some.
I know the purists out there are probably screaming at the screen at this suggestion ;-) however for the new person or those like me who love the game but can make silly decisions , it gives us an out without having to redo large parts of the game ;-)
I know the purists out there are probably screaming at the screen at this suggestion ;-) however for the new person or those like me who love the game but can make silly decisions , it gives us an out without having to redo large parts of the game ;-)