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[Mod] BG:EE Blackguard kit for BG2

IN1IN1 Member Posts: 168
edited December 2012 in General Modding


  • IN1IN1 Member Posts: 168
    edited December 2012
    Update: No help needed, close the thread, please. Turns out I've made a tiny silly mistake with folder names.
  • ArchaicArchaic Member Posts: 924
    edited December 2012
    You should post the files and instructions for others to use. Just an idea... :)
    Post edited by Archaic on
  • IN1IN1 Member Posts: 168
    edited December 2012
    I will upload the mod. Adding some cosmetic finishing touches.
  • neoespritneoesprit Member Posts: 196
    glad you could figure out that ! don't forget you can upload your class kit to Spellhold studios on this forum space made for BG:EE mods :
  • IN1IN1 Member Posts: 168

    While technically, it's a BG2 mod, it seems more logical to upload it to the BG:EE section.
  • neoespritneoesprit Member Posts: 196
    nevermind I didn't understand what you wanted to do so yeah no this isn't a BG:EE mod, it's the black guard kit for bg2 right ? ^^
  • IN1IN1 Member Posts: 168
    edited December 2012
    Indeed. Maybe someone will want to transfer the kit to BG2 before BG2:EE :)
  • dibdib Member Posts: 384
    Nice but unfortunately it seems I become "fallen" after taking too much reputation loss. :/
  • IN1IN1 Member Posts: 168
    Lol, half-expected that, but was too tired to test it. Thanks for reporting the bug, I will look into it tomorrow :)
  • dibdib Member Posts: 384
    Yeah, but I'm pretty sure it's hard-coded... I'll see if I can't find some way to work around it.
  • IN1IN1 Member Posts: 168
    Nah, I just need to find the relevant files in BG2 as opposed to BG:EE :) Btw, in BG:EE, if you make your Blackguard Good via Helm of Opposite Alignment, he falls from grace automatically if your reputation is below 9 :)
  • IN1IN1 Member Posts: 168
    edited December 2012
    After some research: I have a temporary workaround. When a paladin falls, he just begins to use another CLAB file for abilities. I will upload a modified CLABPA05.2DA file.

    However, put this file in the override folder only when you intend to play Blackguard and delete it whenever you play a good-aligned Paladin kit. Your title will become "Fallen Blackguard" -- which sounds dark and ominous, in fact! -- but you will keep all of your abilities if you fall.

    Sorry, I know it's a clumsy workaround, but it's better than nothing.
  • dibdib Member Posts: 384
    Actually if you add a spell, that changes your title (opcode 290) to the Blackguard string reference (in both position 0 and 1), in clabpa05.2da as an ability you can even keep your title. :)
  • IN1IN1 Member Posts: 168
    Oh, that's great news. Thank you.
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